Trimming my B5 collection

I am trimming down my Call to Arms collection to be able to get more stuff and Armagedon. I hate to cross post forums, but this link is a list of things I have on the chopping block.

Edited to add list:

Drazi Freehold Fleetbox
Extra couple of blisters of Frazi…every ship drilled out with barrel clasp connections to brass rod connected bases ($85 plus shipping or $100 in trade) Will take Warmachine Cryx in trade for this…units and helljacks wanted

Centauri fleet for sale only:
2 Primus (painted with barrel clasp connectors
1 Dargan
1 Centurion
1 Sulust
1 Octurion
4 Vorchans (2 painted 2 primered)
2 Sulust (partially painted
6 flights of Sentris (4 painted 2 in blister)
2 Altarians in blister (baggie)
13 AOG large fighters (used as proxies for Maximuses or additional fighters
$150 plus actual shipping


I'd be interested in some Centauri... but not the whole thing...

If your willing to break things up, please PM or email me. The adress should be in my profile.

- Dargan
- 2 Sulusts
- 1 or 2 Altarians
- 13 fighters

That is what I am intersted in. Contact me if you wish to make a deal.
fuzzystrawberry said:
I am trimming down my Call to Arms collection to be able to get more stuff and Armagedon. I hate to cross post forums, but this link is a list of things I have on the chopping block.



Are you in Australia by any chance? I would also be interested in your Centauri.

Happy Gaming!
BT is is my luck. My ship list is at home. I will post it here. I have 3 fleets, Centauri, Drazi, and EA. Didn't know if posting a list like that was generally accepted. Was trying not to break it up, but after a week if no one is biting on the entire fleets, I will consider large lots for sell. I will update my post in 3.5 hours.
