Traveller style sector maps...

Thanks for spreading the word Treebore! The ship plans would probably be easier in Dungeonographer (which includes some art/icons for futuristic items) but that also has a free version. Hexographer should be good for sector maps and planetary (icosohedral) maps.

Yeah, I really hope I did make it easier to add all the symbols used in Traveller. If anyone sees a common symbol or feature it is missing let me know.

I plan to add a random generator to it... based on the original rules for that sort of thing. Have there been updates/options added to those rules?


(The Hexographer creator, in case that isn't obvious.)
Nice products SowelBlack!

SowelBlack said:
I plan to add a random generator to it... based on the original rules for that sort of thing. Have there been updates/options added to those rules?

Each version of Traveller has its own rules... Mongoose Traveller is similar to CT, but has some variations - the sticky at the top of this forum has link to the SRD in the form of the Developer's Pack which I believe contains the rules, which is currently located here.

FYI: the open license requires/encourages explicit permission for software works (good form even if Copyright doesn't actually provide explicit legal protection in this regards...).