The next day the Petrel's entire crew decided to head to the down port to talk to Jonny Goodeboy, wanting an explanation for the mess they got into on Sevan after delivering his package to Sir Davis Doylahide. Dirty Days was just as loud as it had been during the previous visit. The bouncers stopped them at the door, asking for the 25 credit cover charge. When Robert said he was there to see Goodeboy, a bouncer shook his head and said Jonny wasn't expecting anyone, so they needed to pay the charge.
Jonny was at his usual table in the company of two female vargr, watching the dancers - this time a female vargr in a thong in the process of taking off the last of her three wraps and a human female slightly more conservatively dressed in a sling shot one piece. Robert and Charley asked to sit with him, and he agreed. The others took places around the bar, with Nex, who had met Goodeboy last time, trying to look menacing. Goodeboy asked why Nex looked so dyspeptic; Robert explained what happened on Sevan.
Jonny looked somewhat regretful and not really surprised. He explained that he worked as a facilitator, finding people for those who need particular services. A few years ago, he was contacted by a man who never revealed the identity of his employer - Goodeboy wouldn't be surprised if the man didn't know himself. This man said that his employer would pay the vargr generous amounts of money for providing couriers to deliver packages no questions asked, assuring him they contained nothing in and of themselves illegal or lethal. The packages were always those slim black cases, and their delivery usually caused the receiver to react radically. Sometimes they would commit suicide or murder someone, but usually they would suddenly and without explanation reverse a course of action they had been pursuing. Many times, the receiver did not react at all, or, at least, not in a way that Goodeboy could discern.
Robert asked for an example. Goodeboy thought a moment and one of his companions whispered something in his ear in Gevgh. Jonny nodded and told the Travellers of one of the early packages he had delivered. He had arranged for it to be given to an independent trader captain at Ankod that was a favorite to win the Annililik Run next year. After getting the package the said captain, without warner or explanation, withdrew his ship from the competition.
At that point Goodeboy shrugged and said he had nothing else he could tell them. He had never tried to find out who was giving him these packages to deliver, partly because he didn't think he could do so but mostly because he didn't want to ruin a steady source of good income. Robert thanked Goodeboy and the crew left. After departing Dirty Days, Dravij told everyone he notices several men and a few vargr had been keeping a close eye on the table - most likely muscle in the employ of Goodeboy.
Jonny was at his usual table in the company of two female vargr, watching the dancers - this time a female vargr in a thong in the process of taking off the last of her three wraps and a human female slightly more conservatively dressed in a sling shot one piece. Robert and Charley asked to sit with him, and he agreed. The others took places around the bar, with Nex, who had met Goodeboy last time, trying to look menacing. Goodeboy asked why Nex looked so dyspeptic; Robert explained what happened on Sevan.
Jonny looked somewhat regretful and not really surprised. He explained that he worked as a facilitator, finding people for those who need particular services. A few years ago, he was contacted by a man who never revealed the identity of his employer - Goodeboy wouldn't be surprised if the man didn't know himself. This man said that his employer would pay the vargr generous amounts of money for providing couriers to deliver packages no questions asked, assuring him they contained nothing in and of themselves illegal or lethal. The packages were always those slim black cases, and their delivery usually caused the receiver to react radically. Sometimes they would commit suicide or murder someone, but usually they would suddenly and without explanation reverse a course of action they had been pursuing. Many times, the receiver did not react at all, or, at least, not in a way that Goodeboy could discern.
Robert asked for an example. Goodeboy thought a moment and one of his companions whispered something in his ear in Gevgh. Jonny nodded and told the Travellers of one of the early packages he had delivered. He had arranged for it to be given to an independent trader captain at Ankod that was a favorite to win the Annililik Run next year. After getting the package the said captain, without warner or explanation, withdrew his ship from the competition.
At that point Goodeboy shrugged and said he had nothing else he could tell them. He had never tried to find out who was giving him these packages to deliver, partly because he didn't think he could do so but mostly because he didn't want to ruin a steady source of good income. Robert thanked Goodeboy and the crew left. After departing Dirty Days, Dravij told everyone he notices several men and a few vargr had been keeping a close eye on the table - most likely muscle in the employ of Goodeboy.
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