The end is nigh...

Ace to 7th Doctor,
"We did good didn't we?"

"Perhaps, time will tell, always does."

Mongoose did very good.
hiffano said:
mm, some ships missing from that weblink ;)

And some very nice ones too, or so I've heard. Still in my opinion not as good as the ones still to come.

But thats another universe altogether.
Definitely good fun while it lasted.

I managed to get hold of a shed load more ships to go with the few I scraped together when B5 Wars came out. Played a shed load more games of it too.

No doubt a B5 wargame will rise again somewhere and somewhen. Who knows, maybe I will have a painted fleet for it by then.

Or LBH will have finally assembled a ship :lol:

I was expecting this forum to join the posts of the great purge, but it looks like its going to stay :D . Definitely interested in seeing what the future and the forum crowd will bring for ACTA.

Maybe I'll even manage to tear myself away from Fallout, Traveller and Earthdawn to be able to play it as well.
Thanks to Matt and everybody for a good run. Hopefully ACTA 3.0 will be as good, though I suspect I will continue with v2 if there isn't a way to easily convert B5 into the new edition :).

Cheers, Gary
Thanks Mongoose for Babylon 5 ACTA. As they say all good things must come to an end, but hopefully something good will come out of the ashes.
hiffano said:
bit of an anticlimax really...

What we need is a good contentious topic;


The White Star is too weak/too strong, (delete as appropriate)

The G'Quan is just right

Or of course

Why isn't there a Dilgar Armegeddon level ship (no admiral)
I can think of several more contencious topics, but i'd best avoid them in case i get modded ;-)