Jak Nazryth
This is my first NPC under the new rules. He's your basic Human, 3I, Spinward March/Trojan Reach area. I will make him late 40's/early 50's as one of the first NPC's my players will meet when I kick off my game in 3 weeks
I've already run into an unusual situation... If you want to skip the stat rolls and skills for this NPC, just skip down to "QUESTION:"
First of all, I rolled really well in his stat rolls.
B,B,B,C,C,9 Yeah... really well. Kinda wish I was playing a character instead of GMing this NPC..
I picked 5 background skills at 0 (Admin, Carouse, Flyer, Streetwise, Survival)
I decided to go military academy (Navy) and he graduated with honors... the dice continue to love this NPC
So I automatically enter the Navy and BEFORE his term even starts, He is rank 01 (Ensign) with Melee (Blade 1)! Is this a correct reading of the "graduate with honors" rule?
He automatically gets in Navy because he graduated.
Got my basic training skills at 0, (Pilot, Vacc Suit, Athletics, Gunner, Mechanic, gun Combat)
He survived and rolled 2 contacts for his life event (college buddies last a life time)
NOW... Per the military academy rules on page 15, since he graduated with honors, he was already a commissioned officer BEFORE entering the service. Can he therefore try for advancement at the end of his first term? If he rolls well, and he did, he ends up as a rank 2 sublieutenant at the end of his first term. I'm not sure you can normally advance more than 1 officer rank per term... but since he was an officer already, BEFORE his term began, I think the answer is yes. Is this correct?
That weird situation aside, I do have a couple more questions on commissions. I don't have a military background, so the whole com/non-com thing gets a bit fuzzy for me, especially when they mix.
1) In a normal situation, no military academy... normally if you roll well enough at the end of your term you advance 1 level and get to roll on the skills and training table (page 17). But if you try for a commission instead, under the "commission" paragraph (page 16), it only says you advance one rank in officer. It does not state anywhere "roll on the skills and training table" within the paragraph discussing commissions. I am assuming that you STILL get to roll on skills and training if you get a commission, just like "normal" advancement. Is this correct?
2) If a new NPC/PC enters the Navy he is rank 0, Crewman. Then he spends 2 terms as a "normal guy" and advances each term, at the end of his second term he should be a Petty Officer 3rd class, rank 02. But if he rolls great and gets a commission at the end of his 3rd term, will he be referred to as an Ensign (rank 1) even though he was already a rank 2 character? Or is he called an Petty Officer 3rd class Ensign? Blah... what a mouth full. Or are the non-com 'normal" 2 ranks simply dropped completely and for the rest of his career simply referred to his rank on the officer chart? I know the first two non-com ranks still count towards mustering out benefits, but I'm just curious what "title" others would use when greeting him.
I think that is MORE than enough for tonight. For my next NPC I won't go anywhere near a service career...
I've already run into an unusual situation... If you want to skip the stat rolls and skills for this NPC, just skip down to "QUESTION:"
First of all, I rolled really well in his stat rolls.
B,B,B,C,C,9 Yeah... really well. Kinda wish I was playing a character instead of GMing this NPC..
I picked 5 background skills at 0 (Admin, Carouse, Flyer, Streetwise, Survival)
I decided to go military academy (Navy) and he graduated with honors... the dice continue to love this NPC
So I automatically enter the Navy and BEFORE his term even starts, He is rank 01 (Ensign) with Melee (Blade 1)! Is this a correct reading of the "graduate with honors" rule?
He automatically gets in Navy because he graduated.
Got my basic training skills at 0, (Pilot, Vacc Suit, Athletics, Gunner, Mechanic, gun Combat)
He survived and rolled 2 contacts for his life event (college buddies last a life time)
NOW... Per the military academy rules on page 15, since he graduated with honors, he was already a commissioned officer BEFORE entering the service. Can he therefore try for advancement at the end of his first term? If he rolls well, and he did, he ends up as a rank 2 sublieutenant at the end of his first term. I'm not sure you can normally advance more than 1 officer rank per term... but since he was an officer already, BEFORE his term began, I think the answer is yes. Is this correct?
That weird situation aside, I do have a couple more questions on commissions. I don't have a military background, so the whole com/non-com thing gets a bit fuzzy for me, especially when they mix.
1) In a normal situation, no military academy... normally if you roll well enough at the end of your term you advance 1 level and get to roll on the skills and training table (page 17). But if you try for a commission instead, under the "commission" paragraph (page 16), it only says you advance one rank in officer. It does not state anywhere "roll on the skills and training table" within the paragraph discussing commissions. I am assuming that you STILL get to roll on skills and training if you get a commission, just like "normal" advancement. Is this correct?
2) If a new NPC/PC enters the Navy he is rank 0, Crewman. Then he spends 2 terms as a "normal guy" and advances each term, at the end of his second term he should be a Petty Officer 3rd class, rank 02. But if he rolls great and gets a commission at the end of his 3rd term, will he be referred to as an Ensign (rank 1) even though he was already a rank 2 character? Or is he called an Petty Officer 3rd class Ensign? Blah... what a mouth full. Or are the non-com 'normal" 2 ranks simply dropped completely and for the rest of his career simply referred to his rank on the officer chart? I know the first two non-com ranks still count towards mustering out benefits, but I'm just curious what "title" others would use when greeting him.
I think that is MORE than enough for tonight. For my next NPC I won't go anywhere near a service career...