Test Build: 50 Ton Jump capable Transport


Cosmic Mongoose
Over in the High Guard play Test area a post I made had an unexpected result...well unexpected by me.

AndrewW said:
wbnc said:
However they have one significant issue...no jump drive capability...despite the fact that jump drive, sufficient fuel for jump, and staterooms can be packed into a sub 100 ton ship, there is a distinct separation between Star ships and small craft.

Who said they had no jump drive capability?

It seems that the option of Jump Drive on small craft might be an option..so I sat down and did some number crunching.

and had a pic around I had been saving...so this was the result. I thought I'd post the final product here , as well as over on Play test side to get some feedback/first impressions. I waskind of hoping to see what people thought of it's usefulness for players, and it's practicality ( which is very limited I'll admit)


50 Ton: Eagle class Jump craft

A small, swift craft designed for the adventurous who wish to travel, or require rapid access to inter system transport at a moments notice.The craft sees service among nobles, businessmen, scouts, and as a light courier, dispatch runner for various groups.

while fragile, and easily damaged compared to full starship. The eagle class has the raw speed to outpace any starship, and sufficient defensive armaments to blunt attacks by similar sized craft. Its power plant can provide power to all it's systems at once allowing it to fire, maneuver, and prepare for a jump at the same time. Making it a fairly difficult craft to corner, or capture.

Usually only seen in more civilized sectors, it is not for the easily bored, or pleasure seeker, the small cabin, and sitting area do not offer much in the way of comfort, or recreational spaces. it does have enough room to allow some minor alteration to it's cabin for a bit more comfort, but this comes at the expense of it's cramped luggage area.

Some security forces do use the Eagle as a fast transport, or pursuit vehicle to carry law enforcement agents, and alert neighboring systems to be on the look out for wanted fugitives. In addition it can be used as light escort for merchant ships in place of it's normal cutter. Although it lacks the useful cargo space of a standard cutter.

a somewhat slower, version the "Sparrow", reduces it's engine size, and armor to wedge in a slightly larger cargo area allowing it to act as a mail boat, for areas away from the normal X-boat lines. This version however is extremely vulnerable to attack do to it's slow acceleration, and lack of protective armor.

A militarized version" Hawk" trades the stateroom and common area for a single cramped, barracks, style sleeping area, for additional space for sensors, and storage for additional ordnance. and armor, this version is used as a light patrol/scout fighter, or as an inspection craft for various enforcement and regulatory agencies.

So there ya have it..It seems to benefit from the high ration of Jump drive to tonnage required y the rules. Since at any tech level it is going to have the maximum jump range possible at that tech level.( up to TL-18

however cargo space, armor, and other systems are lacking...it has enough spare tonnage for more armor, but no matter how thick the armor gets it will still be an easy kill for a starship.

so basically This build comes out as a very fast personal transport/fighter...with room for a passenger and luggage.

what I have noticed in playing around is that as tonnage goes up...you get much more spare room inside.. due to the math involved Jump performance does not drop off radically. at 100 tons the 10 ton minimum of jump drive still give the J-3 range..and thrust drops to M-5, still faster than most starships...but not fast enough to outrun fighters/missiles.

the onl real downside is that weapons suffer greatly..since they are still classed as smallcraft all it can mount are firm point weapons with greatly reduced ranges...

on the upside it can go into close maneuvering combat with a starship, which greatly increases it's odds of survival due to the DMs starships suffer in a dogfight. so in most cases it might be better for the pilot to turn into an attack, close range and stay inside the dogfight envelope with a starship....assuming it can get into that range zone before a shot gets through.

of course it could always power down, play like it's giving up, then power up once an enemy is close enough...if it mounted it's weapons in pop up turrets it could even pass for unarmed ship, until the enemy vessel was right next to it.

or in the worst case scenario for the starship..."oh look their opening up the cargo bay to take us prisoner....how polite"

I had not noticed you could now make sub 100 dTon jump ship, so thanks.

I think you forgot some costs, such as Jump Drive. For a civilian design you can decrease costs by using budget components from the Primitive & Advanced chapter.

Also I think the Manoeuver Drive 11 is a TL 17 component, so a bit out of reach at TL 12.

Here is my attempt at something similar. I managed to squeeze in an extra stateroom with the smaller ManD.

Rating dTon MCr Power TL = 12
Hull 50 t 10 Budget, Decreased Durability
Config Streamlined 1.5
Armour 0
JumpD 3 10 7.5 15 Budget, Late Jump
ManD 7 3.85 3.85 35 Budget, Increased Size
Power 3.52 1.76 48 Budget, Increased Size

Fuel, Jump 15
Fuel, Power 1
Purifier 48h 0.38 0.02

Bridge 3 0.5
Holographic 0.13
Comp m/10bis 0.24
Sensor Basic

Stateroom 2 8 1.0
Common Areas 2 0.2
Cargo 0.75

Sandcaster 1 0.45 Single Turret
Pulse Laser 1 1.2 3 Single Turret

Repair Drones 0.5 0.1

Sum 18.44
This might work better...

        Rating   dTon    MCr   Power  TL = 12
Hull      50 t                  10    Budget, Decreased Durability
Config  Streamlined      1.5
Armour     0
JumpD      3      10     7.5    15    Budget, Late Jump
ManD       7       3.85  3.85   35    Budget, Increased Size
Power              3.52  1.76   48    Budget, Increased Size

Fuel, Jump        15
Fuel, Power        1
Purifier  48h      0.38  0.02

Bridge             3     0.5
Holographic              0.13
Comp     m/10bis         0.24
Sensor   basic

Stateroom   2      8     1.0
Common Areas       2     0.2
Cargo              0.75

Sandcaster         1     0.45         Single Turret
Pulse Laser        1     1.2     3    Single Turret

Repair Drones      0.5   0.1

Sum                     18.44
I worked up several designs very similar to the budget builds...they seem to be very affordable for a jump capable craft....the one I built was a higher end model...the price range for the ships seems o be fairy similar across the board for low end models.

I did a similar family of 75 ton jumpcraft..which oddly is still long ranged and fairly fast.due to minimum tonnages on jump drives.

tehy seem to be tailor made for small groups who aren't into making money off of trade, ya know, mercs, smugglers, bounty hunters, other "businessmen" types.....a nice addition to the tech tree I think :D

in addition at 50 tons they can be a decent fighter ... twin guns, some decent armor, high thrust, and can go into close cobat with a starship to get the benefits of the starships Bad DM versus smallcraft.....but one good hit and they are hurting.