Starfield Bump

J Harper

Cosmic Mongoose
I’m asking this just because of my pointless sense of curiosity - has Traveller gotten any sort of sales bump because of Starfield’s release and Todd Howard stating emphatically that Traveller was a major influence on it?
It would be nice to think so.
I admit that Starfield is scratching my 'Traveller CRPG' itch.
[Yes, I'm aware of the Microprose games in the early 90s]
I can relate. I don’t plan on getting Starfield anytime soon, but I’ve been playing a lot of No Man’s Sky to tide me over between my Core campaign sessions.
Almost none of Traveller transferred over to Starfield. Starfield violates any previous Bethesda releases (game design wise). Microsoft is running the show now.
Almost none of Traveller transferred over to Starfield. Starfield violates any previous Bethesda releases (game design wise). Microsoft is running the show now.
How do you figure 'none of Traveller transferred over to Starfield'?
That's not a jab at you, I'd like to know your reasons.

IMHO, yes, Starfield is 'Fall-Rim in Space'. That's not a particular problem for me, but everyone has their preferences and YMMV. I like the loose narrative where I have options to side-quest all over the place. In my first play-through, I was concerned with building my empire [outpost with all the fixin's, etc.] but I'm in my second fresh start and my 'empire' isn't as big a deal.
Insofar as Traveller goes, a team of adventurers in space on a voyage of discovery is the core root of the Traveller experience and has been since the LBBs. Sure, I'd love for there to be an OTU computer game with this depth and a first-person perspective, but realistically that'll never happen. Much as all us grogs love Traveller, the audience is simply too small.
The trailer was enough to put me off, with its virtue signalling nonsense.
For the most part, it is only there if you want it or look for it. That said, the four core NPCs, being the only romanceable ones, go either way. I just stay in my lane and it isn't an issue. Lots of content and ways to avoid the stuff you don't like.
For the most part, it is only there if you want it or look for it. That said, the four core NPCs, being the only romanceable ones, go either way. I just stay in my lane and it isn't an issue. Lots of content and ways to avoid the stuff you don't like.
I think that this game does a better than average job at the romance thing. You don't get the 'heavy pregnant pause' of a Mass Effect game [you know, that squirmy 30 seconds you have to wait while you DON'T hit the romance button on an NPC you're not into] and it doesn't have the almost-real-life complexities and traps of CyberPunk or Witcher.
Starfield offers 4 options [male and female, dreamer and practical] and each of the NPCs have unique character hooks [how many games have a single parent dad fully engaged at raising his child in them?]. It's easy to avoid the stuff you don't want and easy to engage with the stuff you do.