SRD in HTML format?


Is anyone already converting the .docs to html?

I just finished the second document and am currently at the 3rd one.
I was thinking of doing that, and adding in some Javascript-y features to make things nicer (drop-downs for rules cases, sortable tables, etc.) and some of my own house rules as optional content, but it's sounding complicated from the legal side, so I'm probably not going to do that now, so go for it.

Be sure to send out the link when you're done!
iamtim said:
I'm probably going to wiki-fy them for my local wiki on my development/game master laptop.

Dammit, I've been outnerded :(

(Fine, I'll write my own notation application! On Linux! And I'll make it command-line only!) :D
mthomason said:
Dammit, I've been outnerded :(


I tell you, I love my wiki. I installed a local wiki on my (Seraphim Guard) development machine because I find it so much easier to write on the wiki. I open Word and I fuss with formatting too much -- which is dumb considering what an initial draft is supposed to be. But in the wiki, I find it easier to just start writing because I don't have to deal with as much overhead.


So I'm a geek.
The nice thing is that once it *is* in there, you can re-CSS it to your heart's content and run all manner of database operations to process it into any other format you want...
Here you can find a SRD pdf version (look at the post from citizen "Zweihander")
I've posted an HTML version of the SRD here:

It could still use a little cleaning up, but it's OK.

- John
John Kim said:
I've posted an HTML version of the SRD here:

It could still use a little cleaning up, but it's OK.

- John

That rocks, thanks!

John Kim said:
I've posted an HTML version of the SRD here:

It could still use a little cleaning up, but it's OK.

- John

Looks good!! :D
Thanks. I should also mention that I've got a bunch of other SRDs in the same spot:

Besides the original fantasy SRD and Modern SRD, that's got the "Action-oriented SRD", the "True SRD", Perfect20, Fudge, FATE, and now the "Runic SRD".