Just had a read through the Annic Nova adventure in S&P.
As I am not encumbered by rosy tints caused by playing the first version, it does seem a rather limited adventure, "so, you wander around this abandoned vessel, if you were stupid enough to take off your vacc suit before you vented the germs out by opening the ship to vaccuum, well, your lovingly created character is probably going to die quickly, otherwise nothing happens"
can I suggest the following...
1. The computer is more capable than expected, closes the doors and seals the characters in. As they attempt to cut their way to the the computer TL16 combat drones appear.
2. The computer initiates jump. Where to?
3. Having checked the ship, and possibly been infected, the IN conficates the "alien artefact" and imprisons the character pending "cleansing"
4. The dead are not humans, but an unknown race of aliens.
5. The dead aliens have transferred their psions beings into a Psionic Core deep in the accumalators. They want to gain possession of the bodies of the adventurers.
6. as 4, but as the PCs complete their investigation, the Annic Nova's mothership emerges. It is 50,000t, heavily armed, and angrily demands immediate answers as to why the occupants of their scout ship are dead. Does anybody speak high "Zaswertylljcz" as well as understanding their protocols?