Emperor Mongoose
Can't find any mention of ordinary launch facilities, though Classic mentions one per ten thousand tons, outside of launch tubes. GURPS mentions airlock/spacedock.
Not quite. Mongoose's High Guard supplement, page 45, bottom of right-hand column also describes launch tubes in detail as well as hangars.Condottiere said:Can't find any mention of ordinary launch facilities, though Classic mentions one per ten thousand tons, outside of launch tubes. GURPS mentions airlock/spacedock.
Condottiere said:Recovery via launchtube; unless the tube was built for at least double that tonnage, it would like threading through the eye of a needle if you have the rest of the squadron right behind you.
I don't think it's ever really been thought out. BSG seems the most logical, with a recovery dock in the rear.
Condottiere said:There may be any number of reasons naval architects aren't fond of dispersed structures. As such, launch and recovery could be:
1. Launch tube; spacey dock for recovery.
2. Separate space dock/airlock for launch recovery.
3. Separate space dock for launch; general hangar; separate space dock for recovery.
4. Craft grappled/umbilicalled to hull (VTOL). Separate lift/airlock and crane to stow craft below deck or maintenance.
5. Crane and lift to recover craft and stow below.
Regarding recovery via launch tube, I've always thought that the same equipment that kicks the craft out faster than normal are also used to slow them down and guide them to staging areas. All a pilot would have to do is line up on the tube entrance properly and recovery equipment takes over automatically while he/she/it enjoys the ride.phavoc said:One other thing - I was reviewing TCS rules,and it says "Ordinary launch facilities allow one craft to be launched per turn. Launch tubes allow 40 craft to be launched per turn. Recovery is at the same rates."
I'm still fuzzy on how launch tubes help for rapid recovery... but the launch rates are far more reasonable, since a turn is 6 minutes long. That would make it 5 times faster than MGT launch/recovery rates.
Sorry, no repulsor fields or tractor beams in the Imperium. Pilots come in under power, just like today's carrier landings. Now computer controlled landings may be standard operating procedure with the software having centuries of debugging to get the kinks out.Condottiere said:You've got to ensure that you won't hit the armoured hull while making your approach, or that meatball that you're looking at will be you splattered on the forecastle.
You have two ships both on a fast collision course, with the next fighter half a minute behind. The approach will likely be on autopilot, the launch tube will be energized with repulsor fields to that your fighter doesn't hit the walls and tractor beams to guide it in. Then you have to kill the momentum and clear the tube for the next craft.
SSWarlock said:Sorry, no repulsor fields or tractor beams in the Imperium.
Doh! Silly me. A look at CT's High Guard shows the same. Sometimes I don't know where my head is at. (Nobody offer suggestions, please.Infojunky said:SSWarlock said:Sorry, no repulsor fields or tractor beams in the Imperium.
>Loud Annoying Buzzer!!!< Wrong Answer!!! The Imperium indeed does have Repulsors and Tractors with in the Tech range that MgT covers.... It is just Mongoose hasn't given specific rules for them yet....
Grav bubble, maybe not. But Jump bubble, yes. In fact, why would any carrier have its fighters stored in an enclosed space? Would it make more sense to have them attached to pylons with a movement tube/airlock built-in for faster launching and re-docking? A much smaller hangar for repairs and maintenance could be included in the carrier's decks. Or would having the fighters out on pylons expose them more to dangers in the vacuum of space?Condottiere said:I always wondered if you could construct a flight deck on top of a hull, maybe magnetized, since I don't think you can create a gravity bubble, with elevators and catapults. You can then carry more fighters than the hangars normally store.
Condottiere said:I always wondered if you could construct a flight deck on top of a hull, maybe magnetized, since I don't think you can create a gravity bubble, with elevators and catapults. You can then carry more fighters than the hangars normally store.