Rules interpretation/house rules


Hello Conan fans,

I just got my book last week, and am excited about the game. Here's some rules I'm thinking about going through:

1) Helmets do not provide DR, but rather a +4 bonus on saves vs. massive damage, and in the case of a critical hit, they give a +2 DC on the second roll to determine if the critical succeeds.

2) Any critical threat also automatically reduces the DR of armor by 1 whether or not the threat suceeds (and possibly more if 20pts of damage get through) Armor reduced to 0 is trash. Armor w/ at least 1 pt DR may be repaired

3) Critical Hits Table (On the threat roll, look at the last digit, i.e. 8 is '8', 14 is '4')

If a critical threat suceeds, these are the following results:

0 Double damage + knockdown (no save) + weapon breaks
(B/C the weapon breaks, AoO is not available unless the character is using 2 Weapons)
1 Chance to Stun 1-4 rounds (Fortitude save vs. DC 20)
2 Bleeding wound*
3 Double Dmg + weapon breaks

4-6 Double Dmg

7 Crippling blow (opponent loses 4 STR, recoverred 1 STR/day rest)
8 Blinding blow **
9 Double dmg + additional 1-4 reduction in opponents DR

* bleeding wound. Victim loses 2hp/round if active, 1hp/round if at rest. Medical treatment is necessary to stop bleeding DC 20

** blinding wound: victim is *temporarily* blinded by bloody gash in forehead or dirt thrown into his face. Either way suffers penalty as for being blind x 1d4+2 rounds.

4) Any time a die roll for damage rolls the maximum, that weapon (slashing/piercing) is considered Stuck, and a successful STR check vs DC 15 is required before the weapon may be used.

i.e. Herodotus attacks a slaver w/ his poinard (d6) and rolls a natural 6 on his damage but rolls a 5 on his strength check. The slaver turns to run away screaming for guards while Herodotus looks for another weapon. Note that the risk of having a weapon stick exists only if the die naturally rolls the maximum, i.e. even if he had +2dmg from str. and rolled a 4 for 6pts of dmg, he would still retain possession.

5) Parrying provides a DC bonus only versus one attacker. All other attackers would use a DC of 10. If one uses complete defense, 2 attackers may be parried. If a character has multiple attacks, he may also give up an attack (usually the lowest one) to parry 1 additional attacker.

6) Offense is Defense Feat
Requirements: BAB +9, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise
Description: This fighter can launch a ferocious attack not seeking to directly injure his opponents, but rather to press them and force a timid attack. Basically, the character uses his highest attack bonus +d20 to determine his DC (vs. all attacks this round). He must use this DC even it is lower than what he would have normally. No other bonuses apply (even from other feats or magic). If the character has multiple attacks (and everyone should at this level), he may make them normally.

i.e. Herodotus now picks up a wooden club and turns to face 3 prison guards. They smile thinking that they have him cornered and leisurely encroach the distance, but instead Herodotus lunges forward swinging his club driving the three guards on their heels.

Herodotus has a +12/6, he rolls a 12 to set his DC at 24, and makes one attack w/ +6. The next round, he rolls a 5 setting his DC at 17, which is lower than if he had used his dodge DC.

Well that's all for now. Please let me know what you think!
Torofor said:
1) Helmets do not provide DR, but rather a +4 bonus on saves vs. massive damage, and in the case of a critical hit, they give a +2 DC on the second roll to determine if the critical succeeds.

2) Any critical threat also automatically reduces the DR of armor by 1 whether or not the threat suceeds

3) Critical Hits Table

4) Any time a die roll for damage rolls the maximum, that weapon (slashing/piercing) is considered Stuck, and a successful STR check vs DC 15 is required before the weapon may be used.

5) Parrying provides a DC bonus only versus one attacker. All other attackers would use a DC of 10.

6) Offense is Defense Feat
Requirements: BAB +9, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise
Description: This fighter can launch a ferocious attack not seeking to directly injure his opponents, but rather to press them and force a timid attack. Basically, the character uses his highest attack bonus +d20 to determine his DV (vs. all attacks this round).

Hi Torofor,

I like "The Best Defense is a Good Offense" feat, I might adopt something similar. It is also quite effectful which is always something I look for. :D

Rule number 5 seems very unbalancing, I'd stay away from it, but YMMW.

Number 4, Stuck Weapons, is a cool concept, but I think my players would go nuts if I punished them for rolling max damage. A DC15 Str check isn't all that easy either...

How do you intend to use your Critical Hits chart? Is that in addition to the regular critical result, or will it replace the RAW? I like critical hit charts, but I don't... :P What I mean is that they slow down play and that's something I can't stand.

Rule 2 I'm just lukewarm to the whole idea. I guess I just don't see why?! :?

Seems everyone's house ruling helmets, I will stick with the RAW for a few sessions before fiddling with this one.


Thanks for the feedback Mr Yokiboy. What does TTFN mean BTW?

I admit I have a bias against powerhouses. I think that as it stands, STR can be overvalued as it helps in attack, damage, armor penetration, and now also defense. Parry bonus is also not affected by armor unlike dodge. I'm just trying to help the little guy out.

The other feature I like in the game is the transiency of material possessions. How you can end one adventure w/ hordes of gold and start next week on the run! I try to capture the feeling of weapons breaking and weapons becoming stuck. Thus making the use of improvised weapons more common and flavorful.

The critical table I made up replaces the normal effect of a critical (2x damage) and again is for flavor.

It may seem fair to ask the question: that if this is such a great game, why is everyone making up houserules? I would have to say that I'm not making up rules to "fix" a problem, if anything, the rules and the game are "inspiring" me to add to it!

Torofor said:
3) Critical Hits Table (On the threat roll, look at the last digit, i.e. 8 is '8', 14 is '4')

If a critical threat suceeds, these are the following results:

0 Double damage + knockdown (no save) + weapon breaks
(B/C the weapon breaks, AoO is not available unless the character is using 2 Weapons)
1 Chance to Stun 1-4 rounds (Fortitude save vs. DC 20)
2 Bleeding wound*
3 Double Dmg + weapon breaks

4-6 Double Dmg

7 Crippling blow (opponent loses 4 STR, recoverred 1 STR/day rest)
8 Blinding blow **
9 Double dmg + additional 1-4 reduction in opponents DR

* bleeding wound. Victim loses 2hp/round if active, 1hp/round if at rest. Medical treatment is necessary to stop bleeding DC 20

** blinding wound: victim is *temporarily* blinded by bloody gash in forehead or dirt thrown into his face. Either way suffers penalty as for being blind x 1d4+2 rounds.

I must be missing somethin ghere... how can a threat roll end with 2or3 ?
Most Threat ranges are 19-20 which would only make your 9 and 0 result ever beingused. Please explain cause I don't get it.

Maybe you don't look at the die roll but instead on the "result" i.e. after adding attack bonus and such? That would work in a way... but it would still be rather static since a guy with attack bonus 5 and a threat of 19-20 could then only ever get a 24-25 ressult hence only use critical 4 or 5...

I can see this in my future: "Man I hope I'm leveling up soon, ause then I raise my BAB and can get that awsome "9-critical" again... I had it before but lost it due to bab-change... now I can get it again..."

Like I said... I must be missing something here.

Torofor said:
I admit I have a bias against powerhouses. I think that as it stands, STR can be overvalued as it helps in attack, damage, armor penetration, and now also defense. Parry bonus is also not affected by armor unlike dodge. I'm just trying to help the little guy out.

Which rule proposal was supposed to solve this though? I think Mongoose has done a good job of it with the Finesse Attack rules. Plus you gotta admit that Conan has survived quite well on his great strength? :D

Torofor said:
The critical table I made up replaces the normal effect of a critical (2x damage) and again is for flavor.

But what about the weapons with higher than double critical damage, don't you think they'll drop in value with your system? You're basically making them useless as the high damage multiplier is off-set by a low Threat Range, and what good is that with your system? :?

Torofor said:
Thanks for the feedback Mr Yokiboy. What does TTFN mean BTW?

Tah Tah For Now, quoting the famous Tigger of Winnie the Pooh fame. :D


GhostWolf69 said:
I must be missing somethin ghere... how can a threat roll end with 2or3 ?

Yes Wolf, I bet you are. :wink: I'm guessing he's referring to the confirmation roll, not the actual roll that scored a threat. Plus only counting the roll, not the final after adding bonuses.

