Rule questions on Legend and Deus Vult setting


Dear Rulesmasters,

Apologies if these questions have already been previously answered.

Would appreciate it if you could please clarify them for me.

Question #1 on Legend Core Rulebook:

Page 147 (General Hit Points), first bullet point is unclear. It says that “if the General Hit Points are reduced to a negative amount equal to the Critical Wound rating or more, death is instantaneous”. However, the example states that if the foe sustains 14 or more damage points, he dies automatically. This is not consistent with the ruling above, which states that the General Hit Point should be reduced to a negative amount equal to the Critical Wound rating, which in the example given is 7, so for the foe to die automatically, the General Hit Points should be reduced to -7 (i.e. minus 7). Unless the ruling above is incorrect and should instead state “if the General Hit Points are reduced to zero or a negative amount, death is instantaneous”.

Question #2 on Deus Vult, GM Book:

GM’s handbook does not have the Prior of Medicine (see Verse 2.3). Was this included elsewhere or is simply omitted?

Question #3 on Deus Vult, GM Book:

GM’s handbook explains the Cult Investigation Difficulties with a nice ‘Factor Effects’ table on page 66; however, how do you actually determine the negative modifiers? E.g. the example under the table says that a Concealment score of 50% gives a -20% modifier to Track tests. Why -20%? How do you determine this? Where’s the formula/table for this?

Many thanks in advance!