Picking up the whole "balance" and wargamer vs. roleplayer issue...
I think at the core everyone wants a fun game, be you wargamer, roleplayer or some unholy hybrid of the two. To be quite frank we're all playing a game that involves moving pretty little toy spaceships around and throwing dice which pretty much puts us into an "elite" category all of our own from mainstream humanity without having to sub-divide further.
However, rather than wargamer and roleplayer let's say we have two, non-exclusive, tendencies...
Type A: Simulation aka "Copycat Generals"
Now some people think it's fun, if they run a simulation i.e. re-create things like the Battle of the Line, and, if playing EA, try their damnedest to last as long as possible before succumbing to the inevitable Minbari beam ass-whopping. The fun there ISN'T in the winning (well maybe for Minbari
), but rather in the recreation, the feel, and seeing how you compare to the historical (or in this case fictional) event.
Type B: Cointossers aka "50-50 Gamblers"
Course, we can all see that some find the most fun in 50 - 50 games, and they identify "balance" as an equal shot at winning over a single game and the theme can go hang itself as long as the game remains "balanced" and therefore fun.
Two types of "fun" here folks, question is - What do you want? I kind of like both types of game depending on my mood and you can experience both in what I think is the *best* part of ACTA and that is CAMPAIGN play. Campaign play generates a range of scenarios from those were winning is simple to an outside chance at best. Seeing how you cope in face of near overwhelming odds can be fun (at times) and campaign play lets you play the full range of possibilities. Conversely your opponent(s) will have to do likewise so by minimise your losses and choosing your battles carefully you have a fair chance of coming out on top even if you get screwed over a little along the way.
In the words of my avatar, -
What do you want?