

Where is the best place to find information on Robots for 2e? Are there any creation rules? What are Robots like in Traveller? Are there any like Data from Star Trek?
They don't have extensive, highly detailed rules for robot design but Central Supply Catalogue Chapter 5: Robots (page 70) has simple building rules. Personally, I think these rule just need expansion as they do with other design rules.

As a simple poll, what robots types do you feel should be iconic in Traveller?
Here's a personal fave, but it might go better in the Zhodani book:


The Zhodani penchant for robot usage was mentioned in CT Alien Module 4: Zhodani, and revised robot-creation rules might be another selling point for any future Zhodani books.
Two robots I would say Traveller would be familiar with are cargo handlers. One would be a vehicle sized unit for manipulating large pallets and maybe cargo pods while another would handle small package loads. They are designed for maneuvering in close quarters on the docking bay where conveyer systems would be in the way. I see Travellers make a landing and call for a a porter to pick up deliveries personally or carry things like luggage. Some would have enough personality to interact pleasantly. Cargo haulers would be something like automated flatbeds with the ability to load itself as well as work with a ship's conveyor belt and cargo crane systems.
That would be an interesting way to differentiate the look and feel of various starworts. A Class A Imperial starport would be all about efficiency, so robots might be very common. A Class C starport - especially in a less-developed world - might use people in the same roles, especially if labor is cheap or if there's an agreement with the local polity to employ as many local residents as they can.

Which then offers opportunities for scenes featuring those classic man-vs-machine clashes ("ole Johnny Heinrich there can stack cargo faster and longer than any dang machine can! You watch and see!").
Knightgoblin said:
Maximilian from Black Hole :shock:

It really is similar, isn't it. I wonder if that entered the subconscious of the artist, whom I believe was Bryan Gibson.
Robots would definitely fit into systems whose big issue is population. Colonies could be a great example in which populations are small and often specialized for tasks at hand. Robots would the extra hands, tools, rather than replacements.
Linwood said:
That would be an interesting way to differentiate the look and feel of various starworts. A Class A Imperial starport would be all about efficiency, so robots might be very common. A Class C starport - especially in a less-developed world - might use people in the same roles, especially if labor is cheap or if there's an agreement with the local polity to employ as many local residents as they can.

The other way round could work too - C class is filled with impersonal robots that have limited leeway to deal with something, wheres A class have the personal, human touch.