Robots vs Resistance

Greg Smith

When the Sovs promised that all worker robots would become equal citizens of conquered Mega City, Max's gang joined with their Sov allies to help crush Mega City resitance.

Max, servo robot gero with Soit gun and club
Toby, servo robot with spit gun and club
Emily, servo robot with spit gun
Ken, combat robot with long rifle and spit gun
Nameless, Scrap robot with handgun
Red, robodog
Yella, robodog

2 Judges
2 Citidef heroes with spitguns
2 punks with handguns and sports armour
punk with flame thrower and sports armour
punk hero with long rifle

JD resistance.jpg

JD robots.jpg

JD table.jpg

The game began with me sending my robodogs after a Citidef guy on his own. They were getting close, only for him to run out of ammo! So they turned their attention to the Judge who had come to assist. After several attacks, the dogs finally triumphed. While the rest of the robots were felled by the rest of the resistance, the dogs went on an unstoppable rampage, apparently impervious to bullets. Finally, it came down to two dogs vs a resistance sniper in a tower. The sniper finished them off. Result resistance won, with one surviving punk and one citidef guy out of ammo.
In the second game, I tried to keep my force together. The dogs were less effective, but did keep Da Boss' force on its toes. We both played a very cagey game, hugging cover very tightly. In the end it came down to a two robots vs a judge. The Judge killed the combat droid with a well placed high ex shot. But my hero felled him in return, clinching the game.

We learned that armour and cover are essential. Robodogs are nasty. So is a flamethower. And the default Talent of choice is Aim.


Great games - most enjoyable and both very close - the first had Gregs unstopable "Devil Dogs" and the second had me down to a single Judge versus 3 bots - he stepped up and took out the combat bot and servo bot but secoumbed to sustained spit gun fire :) - (the last two citi-def with no ammo in hiding)

Armour and Aim are Essential - especially the latter with Spitguns - devestating
Mix of Necormunda terrian and standard 40K stuff plus an old 40K matt that GW used to sell.

work nicely as it provides plenty of cover and levels etc.