One accommodation that I would suggest, if you're the game master, is to choose a style of play that emphasizes action where maneuvers and location are less important. Although Traveller is often played with a lot of combat, it's a game that also plays well with little or no combat.
There are a lot of worlds with high law levels, where weapons are banned, or uncommon and viewed with much suspicion. A bar brawl that might be resolved with the bouncer telling people to take it outside in a low law world could result in arrests in a high law world. If you're the game master, you can try to keep a lot of the adventure time on higher law worlds, and if player characters get into a fight, have them pawn cool possessions to pay lawyers to get them released with just a fine.
Of course, to make a low combat game fun, you need good low combat adventures. Investigations are good. 1. Was the patron's son abducted, or did he run away? If abducted, why? If for ransom, can a safe exchange be arranged? If he ran away, why, where did he go, and can he be persuaded to return? 2. Is there any merit to a story the patron found in his recently deceased mother's papers alluding to an unexplored Ancients site? 3. Is the military of a balkanized world's second largest power covering up a war crimes incident that might turn public opinion against its war with the world's sixth largest power? 4. Is a seemingly unprofitable colonization program diverting some of the would-be colonists to some horrible fate, such as enslavement, or conscription into military jobs too dangerous for a local military force's citizen soldiers? 5. Is a manager of a large public works project diverting funds meant for preventive maintenance to bogus subcontractors that are really whisking the funds to off-world accounts?
Of course, it's also possible to play out combats in ways that don't require a lot of maneuvering. Duels like the stare-down and quick-draw combat in a Western movie, the matched pistols a ten paces in a contest for honor, or a one-on-one bar brawl that doesn't escalate to involve the whole bar, are all pretty simple.
The ideas others have mentioned, such as miniatures boards with raised grids may also work, but they're likely to slow things down a lot if there are more than just a few combatants. You can make it more efficient if you have players who cooperate by helping you manage your NPCs, for example, "Unfortunately, it looks like your Thug#4 has a clear shot my character."
As a player, it may help to play characters who are less likely to get into combat, or possibly even a character who is blind. It could be a Vargr with such refined hearing that he's a combat monster in melee, easily taking down any foe who is within reach of his stun baton -- and maybe the blind Vargr is also a social skill master who can recognize everyone he or she has ever met, just from their scent across a crowded room, and can tell their moods by scent well enough to out-haggle almost anyone.