
If we're going to be precise, an ECM cone rifle shell has an effect radius of 30 meters (an ECM slugthrower round effects a 10 meter radius).

However, as a PARANOIA Gamemaster you have the prerogative not to be precise. You have the right to make that shell as effective or ineffectual as the mission requires or the entertainment value of the moment necessitates. If deactivating all technology in the local block makes the game more interesting, go for it. If the Troubleshooters face life-threatening dangers of a techno-kind and the ECM going *fizzle* makes the situation even more entertaining... go for it!

(And as a Quasi-Famous Game Designer, I maintain the right not to tell anyone exactly where I found that information about the effect radius of an ECM - but, trust me, it's canon information)

Have you tried looking in the classifed UV index, Are you cleared to read the index citizen? *aims puk launcher at the group*

But personally i go with the "if i can get a laugh out of it, it will implode or explode to the level of fun" :wink:

*runs of to see if he can find this radius effect*
I'm betting you got that from either the first or second editions, Paul. They're the ones who have such meticulous weapon stats. :)
Well i can't see it in the Paranoia XP book i have, and i can't find my old 1st edition i am told it is somewhere safe (in other works in the loft in a box when i wasn't looking :cry: ).
On the Weapons Chart there's a Notes column. In that column, for several of the Cone rifle shells, there's an "area" note. ECM doesn't have that note. This is an indication that it affects only the target, much like a solid slug only affects its target.

Think of Star Wars and other sci-fi movies. Every so often, someone will shoot a bot with something which attaches to the bot, and then the bot goes all fritzy, with lots of cool electrical special effects, and keels over. That's an ECM "shell" in effect, only affecting its target.

Famous Game Designers are notorious for their ability to express such complicated ideas by the well-thought out omission of words. It's a knack.
It's also possible that Allen forgot to include the information. However, such talk about a GAMMA Clearance Famous Games Designer would only lead to a swift brain-scrubbing... so, I wouldn't dream of suggesting it. The omission almost certainly resulted from Communist intervention in the proofing or printing process.

Oh... and yeah - I found the information in the Gamemaster Book of the 1st Edition.


Well, First Edition PARANOIA is good enough for me! I hereby declare that radius officially brought forward into our current paradisaical edition, and alert The Computer to the treacherous sabotage PaulB so astutely detected.
i think that a squad of troubleshooters are needed for this operation. with all the latest and greatest equipment from the great computer.