Brother Theo
Had a question on Shadow ships that may cross both the RPG and Call to Arms. Per the sample rules and notes from the series, Shadow ships are living entities, with a humanoid of some type used as the central processing unit, and no crew.
So, my question has to do with the end of the Shadow War, as seen in Season 4 of B5. The Shadows and Vorlons were seen leaving with the First Ones from the scene of the battle, not to return. That being the case, and the fact that Shadow vessels have no crew, how did the Shadow sentients leave? Are there transport ships not yet conceived or shown? I'm curious on this point, both from a gaming and show history standpoint.
Brother Theo
So, my question has to do with the end of the Shadow War, as seen in Season 4 of B5. The Shadows and Vorlons were seen leaving with the First Ones from the scene of the battle, not to return. That being the case, and the fact that Shadow vessels have no crew, how did the Shadow sentients leave? Are there transport ships not yet conceived or shown? I'm curious on this point, both from a gaming and show history standpoint.
Brother Theo