Question About & new Spinward Extents Content?


Are the current political jurisdictions in The Beyond and Vanguard Reaches sectors @, the same as what will be covered in the new Spinward Extents book?
Or will those map sectors undergo changes after the books release?
Many thanks for the reply InexorableTash.

So political entities like the Trelyn Domain, Mapepire Cluster, Principality of Bruhkarr and Katanga Empire are in synch?
I ask, because I've started a homebrew set in the 6 spinward-rimward subsectors of Foreven and was hoping to draw upon influences from those 4 political entities.
I can only speak to the map. Again, they should be in sync. Details about those polities will need to wait for the book.
In general I kept details about the polities' interactions with Foreven vague to non-existent to not step on the toes of custom Foreven sectors. But the bigger the polity, the more likely their influence will bleed over to some degree. Not their borders, though.