Purchasing S&P LW content in pdf?


Any chance that you will release (for example as a pdf on DriceThruRpg) the Lone Wolf contents from S&P? (or even S&P?) I live in Italy and a sub to S&P is not practical for me, but I'd really like to get the Lone Wolf content.
S&P articles seem to be turning up as PDFs after a while. Otherwise you can always just buy the individual mags you want - if your local stockists don't carry them, you can buy them direct from Mongoose or from an online store that ships internationally (such as mine - email me if you're looking to have them shipped and I'll get you a better price than our usual fixed international postage)
here in Italy is very difficult and expensive to get a foreign mag.. would like to preview the content and download it or even buy it...
of course I'm only interested inLW material :P
in the shop section I have found the subscription to 12 LW or something like it.. but what is it really? the link sends me to the S&P issue 1 shop page :S

is it a collection of all and only LW articles??

is there any possibility to buy single articles downloading them??
paying shipping and handling and 5.95 for each mag and get a 10% of needed material is really a waste of money...
elijah-sabretooth said:
in the shop section I have found the subscription to 12 LW or something like it.. but what is it really? the link sends me to the S&P issue 1 shop page :S

is it a collection of all and only LW articles??

Nope, this is a 12 month subscription with free Judge Lawmaster and Cadet pack, I think.

There are other S&P subscription offers here:


You can buy some individual articles on rpgnow.com I think. I only buy hard copy.

elijah-sabretooth said:
in the shop section I have found the subscription to 12 LW or something like it.. but what is it really? the link sends me to the S&P issue 1 shop page :S

is it a collection of all and only LW articles??

is there any possibility to buy single articles downloading them??
paying shipping and handling and 5.95 for each mag and get a 10% of needed material is really a waste of money...

If you're looking at "Signs & Portents - 12 Month Subscription - LW" then its the S&P yearly subscription plus free Lawmaster and Cadet blister, and unfortunately doesn't have any connection to Lone Wolf other than any LW articles that will appear in it over the next year.

There hasn't been enough LW in S&P yet to warrant a collection (despite those rather nifty scenario and setting articles over the last couple of issues) yet, but you might see some PDFs appearing on rpgnow.com or drivethrurpg.com over the coming weeks - I'm not sure which Mongoose are using for S&P stuff. Mongoose have stated that S&P articles will appear in PDF format "when they appear", but I think you will see them eventually.

While I can understand your point that you only want the LW content, I originally started collecting S&P only for the B5 content and quickly found that the other articles drew me to buy other Mongoose products :) Theres often "generic d20" material that could be converted to use in LW too.
elijah-sabretooth said:
where can I find a list of the LW articles and a brief descrition of the article (adventure, setting, ruling, other stuff)?

http://www.warpedcore.net/signsportents :)
mthomason said:
elijah-sabretooth said:
where can I find a list of the LW articles and a brief descrition of the article (adventure, setting, ruling, other stuff)?

http://www.warpedcore.net/signsportents :)

Pretty useful, thanks.

mthomason said:
(despite those rather nifty scenario and setting articles over the last couple of issues) .
thanks for the link.. it is really usefull...
as for buying the whole mag.. a part of the expensive part (5.95 + shipping and handling + charge on the CC + currency change) I really do not like the d20 system... I use it just because LW has been pubblished in this system unfurtunatly... so I really don't think that buying the mag would push me towards Conan d20 or Starship Troopers d20 even if I loved the movies...
and on the side of adapting d20 articles for LW... what would be the point and use of articles such as (taking from the link provided earlier):
How Good is Lawful Good? Gaming Tips (when in magnamund does not exist lawful good)
The 3.5 Witch Rules (when there are even too much magic classes in magic of magnamund)
Ultimate Gameplay: Elven Magic Items Rules (when there are no elves and even if adapting the race magnamund should be a low-magical items setting)
power classes X (when we have even too much classes)
I may find interesting the scenarios, but they have however to be worked out...
elijah-sabretooth said:
and on the side of adapting d20 articles for LW... what would be the point and use of articles such as (taking from the link provided earlier):
How Good is Lawful Good? Gaming Tips (when in magnamund does not exist lawful good)
The 3.5 Witch Rules (when there are even too much magic classes in magic of magnamund)
Ultimate Gameplay: Elven Magic Items Rules (when there are no elves and even if adapting the race magnamund should be a low-magical items setting)
power classes X (when we have even too much classes)

Very true, the above articles would be pretty useless/difficult to adapt.

You might get more mileage from the following though:
Gaming Symposium: The Structure of Evil
Gaming Symposium: The Structure of Good
Creature Feature
Going it Alone+The Orcs of Delakar (can be quite easily changed to Giaks for a solo adventure)
Possibly some of the Conan (maybe even the Slaine?) stuff could be adaptable to uncharted areas of Magnamund.

Plus theres the sheer entertainment value of Jonny Nexus :)
Actually, we don't have enough classes for Lone Wolf. The entire idea of Lone Wolf, unlike stock d20 fantasy, is that each class grants its own set of features and powers based on its background and region, unlike the more generic D&D sets topped off with prestige classes and races. This is a fairly new concept for d20, as most fantasy settings are designed for traditional integration of D&D classes and then adapt them via some rule set changes or explanations of how they work in that fantasy setting.

Non-human races are not very present in Lone Wolf due to the destruction of most of them by the great Plague released by the Cener. Only the Drodarin Dwarves, Giants, the Kundi, and the Ogrons remain as a real example of the wide range of non-human races created by Kai. You have a couple of other examples in the Noondnics (halfing rats) and the Crocaryx living in the city of Nyaxtor or under the control of the Darklords, but that's it.

Therefore, in order to provide variety for the d20 player not used to the setting or as a reflection of the varying levels of knowledge older gamebook players have, classes for humans become the best way of providing variation between players. All of the classes presented in the books are a representative of varying members of the world you meet as Lone Wolf, and it makes far more sense to provide such a range to keep players interested.

On the adventure side, the legagcies of the non-human races provide a large source of roleplaying potential and suprise. Any material from any d20 fantasy article or setting can be added to Lone Wolf with some conversion, as long as it fits YOUR sense of the game. That is the other problem many people have with the interlocking nature of d20. They see outside sources as dangerous influences that players want to try out because they see this new article or supplement as cool. If a player wants to try out a new class or supplement, take a look at and see if it fits into your setting and current campaign. If not, say no and continue with the game as you see fit.
Stormcrow the White Wolf said:
Non-human races are not very present in Lone Wolf due to the destruction of most of them by the great Plague released by the Cener. Only the Drodarin Dwarves, Giants, the Kundi, and the Ogrons remain as a real example of the wide range of non-human races created by Kai. You have a couple of other examples in the Noondnics (halfing rats) and the Crocaryx living in the city of Nyaxtor or under the control of the Darklords, but that's it.

Don't forget the Kloons! :P