Player Loves/Hates


As a GM or player, what do you love or hate about the actual playing of Traveller? This can be anything from minor rule hangups to player types you don't get along with or GM styles you'd rather avoid.

As a referee, I lovelovelove most of my players, and am constantly amazed by their ingenuity and ability to think on their feet. They're also very open to me taking them aside and adding/changing plot hooks, and feel they can come to me with suggestions about their characters and the game. I have a very interactive group experience that almost feels like a family. <3

Things I hate goes in list form.
- Players who don't understand that OTU is not MTU. I make substantial changes to the setting and canon, and one of my players has a background in heavily-houseruled CT. Roughly thrice per session we will get into it about planetary details, tech levels, and more recently mortgages (the previous ref changed the price of ships by a couple decimal points). He's getting better, though.

- Munchkins. Traveller is hard to Munchkin, but some people still try. I demo games at my FLGS, and that's where I have the biggest problem. I really tone down my Angry GM when I'm demoing, so I let a lot of little things slide if it means the players have more fun. However, I've had players complain when I wouldn't let them train three skills at once by taking stims (seriously), when I wouldn't allow them a chance to test for psionics whenever they met a Zhodani, and when I pointed out that stomping around the J-drive in magnetic boots DURING JUMP was not the smartest idea. I get that it's a demo, but that means I need to accurately represent the rules, guys. The players are otherwise lovely, these requests just made me /facepalm.

- Players who are afraid to think outside the box. I get the World's Most Popular RPG(tm) has a specific skill for everything, but That Game is not Traveller. Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone ask to use Soc with Gun Combat or Art (Vilani Epic) with Dex and being able to justify it. (The reverse doubles as a LOVE for my players.)

- SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU AGAIN, I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL TURN THIS GAME AROUND DON'T MAKE ME COME BACK THERE. *Ahem* My players like to socialize if I'm not paying attention to them rightfrakkingnow. They're better now, but chargen took three six-hour sessions.
I dislike:

The fact that the Scoundrel piracy system although appearing to be well written is full of major bugs that have forced me to use it as a basis for my own version.

Players who make an action, and then only when I tell them the results say "I didn't mean like that I meant X" as they realise the action they made wasn't optimal.

I Like:

The potential for traveller to be a long running campaign for me finally

The fact I made the choice to write my own background.

The support the books give me

Creative players who invest some time and effort to make my setting
more interesting and colourful with their own ideas.


Metagaming players who use player knowledge to solve character pro-
blems or base character decisions on player intentions instead of cha-
racter motives.

the books, even with the editing/artwork/inaccurate tables debates that roar on the boards at times, i've always been a GM that takes the essence of the game and just roll with it. The MGT books let me do this without having to read and re-read the pages over and over (although i do this for fun)

Character Generation. I normally hate making stats for NPC's, unless they are going to be used in combat, i will normally just wing it. However, i can spend whole evenings making characters that are fun, involving and have full back histories, goals and enemies.

what i hate..

the fact that my gaming group seems to be defunct, especially when one of the three members is 300miles away.

endless flame wars, cannon wars, etc

damn science that stops me having a flying car...


Mawdrigen said:
I dislike:

The fact that the Scoundrel piracy system although appearing to be well written is full of major bugs that have forced me to use it as a basis for my own version.

What issues are you having with it?
The Chef said:
the books, even with the editing/artwork/inaccurate tables debates that roar on the boards at times, i've always been a GM that takes the essence of the game and just roll with it. The MGT books let me do this without having to read and re-read the pages over and over (although i do this for fun)

I do this shamelessly. As long as I have the basic idea I run with it. The GM screen was a godsend to me, and keeps me from scrawling notes all over my hands (I still keep a Jump checklist, though. Static scenarios with lots of little rolls mess me up.)

I could do without the canon wars, holy frak. I get that it's a beloved hobby and people are passionate about it and that's a good thing, but YOU ARE PRETENDING TO BE SPACE PIRATES IN SOMEONE'S BASEMENT. CHILL OUT AND ROCK ON.

As a Referee...players who actually are creative and read the rules of the game before hand. Players who can act rather than react to situations. Players who read the background material.

As a Player...referees who do not get caught up with the rules but go with the flow (albeit within the parameters of the universe). Cinematic and exciting play and keeps the flow of the game moving. A referee who involves all the players and encourages real role playing not roll playing.


ibid. vice versa.