Online game buying sites?


What's some good ones out there?

FRP Games has seemed a bit pricey to me in recent times, but I went there to find out about Road of Kings (which weren't on either or like the previous 2 books), and while it was marked down from $39.95 to $31.95, they wanted $8.95 for S/H?! That's ridiculous!
I know paying full price for a gaming book seems crazy, but why not get it from your local gaming store (if you have one). You might even be able to work out a deal with them, that if you buy a whole bunch of RPG books (or buy them regularly) you get a discount. That's what I did. :)

I get the books (not at full price, yet not as cheap as Amazon, etc.) and my LGS gets some well deserved business. :) Plus I don't have to wait for someone to mail it to me. :wink:
I used to think people were crazy to pay full price. But since I moved to Massachusetts I found a FLGS where the owner is nice and friendly and helpful (and he says "thank you" every time I buy something) and I now spend 95% of my gaming $$$ there. Part of it is practical calculation, I admit. After all, I play RPGs there every Monday night, and it is the nearest and best LGS in my area, so I have a vested interest in helping to keep the store open. Of course, I can afford it, so I can understand why some would prefer mail order if they simply cannot afford to pay full price for some books.
Amazon & Books-A-Million are the two cheapest by far (30-40% off). Use BAM's price finder to compare but it almost always comes out on top. is next in price (usually 10% off) but far superior on finding the more esoteric thirt-party publishers (Mongoose is avilable through both Amazon & BAM though). Then there's
If you're willing to do the eBay store thing, this seller always has 20-25% off cover prices, and very cheap shipping. He doesn't have a "true" online storefront, just the eBay store.

Mark Frampton

He's also got very reasonable rates for S/H also.
i'm lucky, my FLGS has 15% off all gaming supplies in the store :D and at christmas sometimes they have sales of 30% off all titles. 8)
As part owner of a Local Gaming Store (shameless plug) I ll add that it is important to support your local store. Online stores have made it difficult for brick and mortar shops to survive, so think twice before you click on those discounted items... remember... no shipping and handling... no wait for it to arrive... no dealing with mis-shipped or mistaked orders... plus there s the benefit of knowing your supporting local gaming and perputuating the hobby!

Unless of course your LGS is owned by a jerk... in which case order elsewhere.
Let me second the decision to support local commerce.

I know that 30% of cover price can be tempting (and yes, I have succumbed) but when you buy locally, your money is being reinvested in your community. The tax you pay goes back into improving your city, you're encouraging business growth and keeping people employed. What's more, local game shops are where most of us first encountered gaming -- losing these fine places will ultimately damage the hobby.
Well said.

While I order online for large price and specialty items, I buy most everything else from my FLGS. I do all my preorders thru him, so I usually get the stuff within a day of the release.

I definitely agree it's important to support your FLGS. Really.

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I noticed if you prebuy on it's cheaper. I just preordered Road of Kings for a total of $19.12. It's called Hyborian Gazeteer: A Conan Rpg Supplement on Walmart. I had prebought the Conan core book from them as well and no problems.

Here's the page, found it by typing in the search box: Conan rpg

Here it is on

I don't really have a local FLGS, sorry.
FTracer said:
I noticed if you prebuy on it's cheaper. I just preordered Road of Kings for a total of $19.12. It's called Hyborian Gazeteer: A Conan Rpg Supplement on Walmart. I had prebought the Conan core book from them as well and no problems.

Here's the page, found it by typing in the search box: Conan rpg

Here it is on

I don't really have a local FLGS, sorry.

Thanks for the info! I'm going by my FLGS for Conan comics this evening, and see what I can work out for him since he did offer to order rpgs at a discount though he doesn't stock them.