Online Conan Campaign

a human with demonic heitage...some down his family line his mother or father had a relationship with a demon of some sort.
Judging by your terminology, it sounds like your campaign is DnD (or generic 'high-fantasy') heavy.
There are no clerics or wizards in the Conan RPG. All spellcasters are covered with the character class Scholar, which is an marvelous and extremely flexible class (although hotly debated by a few board members here). Magic is called sorcery and is, for the most part, exceedingly evil.
The idea behind your term 'tiefling' is remarkable, 'though I don't think I've encountered the word in REH's Conan saga.
Aelric said:
well unfortunly I don't have an apple,I use windows xp

Well, that's your first mistake :wink:

But seriously, you can run this program on any platform. You just need the Java Runtime Environment installed. Try:

Once that is installed, just double-click on the JAR file and the program should run.
with magic being evil I agree with,thats why he is an NPC that pc's are going to have to deal with.And for clerics i thought there where a preist of some sort in the Conon world,but I could be mistaken.

And my wife says the samething about not having an Apple awell :p
The term Theifling is from the Forgotten Realms setting for D&D. It is a half demon, half human mix. Which is common in the world of Conan, but not with that name.

There are Priests (not Clerics which again is term used by the orginal D&D as to not to offend the Christian community) though out the world of Conan.

Just to add a not the Scholar class allows for great flexiblity to a Priest, and person of great knowledge also.
Yeah you can download Java and use it with any platform, that is one of the benefits of using it and having KW run using it.
Our third online session is posted at:

On another note, it looks like one (or possibly two) of the regular players will be out next week. If somebody would like to jump in for one game to see how it works, send me an email. We play 7-10pm Eastern time on Tuesdays. The next game will be March 28.
I have room for one more player in our online campaign, if anyone is interested. We play 7-10PM Eastern time on Tuesday nights. You can check out the campaign at:

If you are interested, send me an email at All you need is a decent internet connection.