Yogah of Yag
Considering the prior emphasis in the game on visual skills (Spot, Search), and auditory (Listen), has anyone considered developing a "Scent" skill? Considering how "tuned in" a Barbarian is to his/her environment, I'm quite surprised I have yet to see a discussion of this. Thus far, I have failed to notice such information in the Core Rules.
I have been writing up some notes on this, and initially I think it could be an extension of Appraise where a margin of error can be applied for failed checks (i.e. [2d6+3]*10, or 50%-150%), IIRC.
I have been writing up some notes on this, and initially I think it could be an extension of Appraise where a margin of error can be applied for failed checks (i.e. [2d6+3]*10, or 50%-150%), IIRC.