New Judge Dredd action game


I know it's a little off topic, but here it goes as seen on Gamespot :

Vivendi Universal Games and Rebellion have today announced that the PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox versions of Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death have gone gold and will be released later this month. The GameCube version of the game is still in development, and is currently scheduled for release in November.

Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death is a futuristic first-person shooter in which players will patrol the streets of Mega-City One as elite law enforcer Judge Dredd.

There is a demo available at :
Play through chapter three and arcade modes as Judge Dredd in this demo of Judge Dredd vs. Death. The story line fits well with the continuity of the comic and features a full cast of characters from the Judge Dredd story.

I can't comment on the quality since I have not tried the demo yet. I wonder if they have captured the feel of the setting...
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death has been put back from September to late December on all formats, following the leaking of an inferior source code to various games magazines for review. The game is buggy and has quite a few problems, but looks graphically excellent with MC-1 looking just as it should do, with the exception of not enough citizens around.

The demo is also on the cover of this months PC Zone Magazine if your in the UK and will be on the official PS2 magazines demo next month.

Its a great looking game and I really do hope that they can iron out all the bugs in time for its release.

I can't comment on the quality since I have not tried the demo yet. I wonder if they have captured the feel of the setting...

It's a fairly no-brainer first person shoot-em-up, so it's more Mark Miller than John Wagner - however, it's quite fun if you like that sort of thing.

It fits in with the Mongoose RPG too - they used the Sentencing codes from chapter 8 of the main rulebook, which appear whenever you arrest someone. It was a bit of a shock when something I'd written turned up in the middle of a computer game...
Glad to here that it has gone back for a clean up. The reviews of the previous code were that it was a terrible game (and thus on par with all the other Judge Dredd Computer efforts).

Hopefully the spit and polish that rebellion can give it will bring it upto par.

It's a fairly no-brainer first person shoot-em-up, so it's more Mark Miller than John Wagner - however, it's quite fun if you like that sort of thing.


That'll be THE Mark Miller who wrote the last arch of the classic Swamp Thing, Authority and the X-Men who traditionally picks up where Grant Morrision leaves off. Not exactly no brainer (see Swamp Thing 140 to 163). But I digress.....
hassanisabbah said:
That'll be THE Mark Miller who wrote the last arch of the classic Swamp Thing, Authority and the X-Men who traditionally picks up where Grant Morrision leaves off. Not exactly no brainer (see Swamp Thing 140 to 163). But I digress.....

I take it that you've never read any of Mark Miller's Dredd stories, then? NOT his best work...

I'll never forgive him for what he did to Robo-Hunter, anyway.
Nah I gave up 2000Ad back in 1992 when I suddenly found my self working in a comic shop, and surrounded by American Comics (I held out until Zenith ended, natch).

Weird, Mark Millar's work in US Comics is seminal stuff. Marvel Ultimates, and X-Men - Robohunter was weird. I didn't like it, but I also liked it. Strange......

Then again Grant Morrison started on Zoids UK :roll: