Nemesis RPG information over at Amazon

blue crane

Hi there!

I saw the following over at

'Nemesis the Warlock is a complete roleplaying game based on the popular character from the hit comic, 2000AD. Now at last players and games masters can enter the cursed city of Termenblight with its zealous overlord, Torquemada. Join the resistance movement as a human freedom fighter or one of a multitude of alien races. Remember: Be Pure, Be Vigilant, Behave!'

Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Mongoose Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 1904854419

This could be some good news!

Kind regards,
blue crane
no a search came up with zip :evil: the truth is amazon regularly get it wrong with mongoose releases so keep your powder dry till matt and the team say so :wink:
I actualley E-Mailed Amazon, & they said that can't give any information about books that have't been printed.
and amazon have a bad habit of jumping at any rumour the harry potter books were always with the wrong names till the offical unvailing of the correct name :evil:
toothill man said:
no a search came up with zip :evil: the truth is amazon regularly get it wrong with mongoose releases so keep your powder dry till matt and the team say so :wink:

You'll be wanting to search the US version at

But your right about Amazon getting things wrong. However, they don't make up the blurb, that comes from publishers. But in this case, I wouldn't hold your breath for it!


(Be pure, be vigilant, behave!)
toothill man said:
could I have the link please :twisted:
Thanks Toothill

Much as I love Nemesis, can't really see it being a huge seller, just how well known is it now? Won't all the Gothic SciFi fans be into Warhammer 40k or something?

Perhaps seperate smaller sourcebooks featuring Nemesis, Strontium Dog, Rogue Trooper, ABC Warriors would be the way to go? Or maybe some of the newer characters (haven't read 2000AD for a long time)

I don't know how successful Slaine has been for Mongoose, but clearly it's not being developed any further, and after good ol' JD I would have thought it was clearly the most obviously marketable 2000AD property to the RPG crowd.
Yeah I don't see Nemesis being all that of a good seller or popular. I was going to say how about Zenith then I remembered all the copyright and licence rubbish.
Well what it says in the top 10 RPG Dream Games article is -

"Number Eight – Nemesis the Warlock

Weird one, this. We have the licence. We have the permission. And yet, it
still doesn’t exist…
What attracts me to this is that, as a science fi ction setting, it is just so out there. Players could be part of the resistance against Torquemada and his cronies; desperately trying to help the aliens escape his clutches. Imagine racing down the terror tubes, meeting the Warlock and exploring all the worlds of the comic strip.

Cool stuff. Maybe D20 Modern, maybe a variant of RuneQuest.
So, why is it not around? Simple, really. No one is spare to write it! There are only so many man hours in a year (I am told)."

So all we need is someone to write it then... Pat Mills busy?
Zenith, would make exceelent game where you can make up a character with super powers.

Don't know much about him myself. Ecept there werre an awful lot of Superhereos and super villians.

As for asking Pat Mills to write a PnP RPG game for Nemesis. Thats a great idea. It would have been interesting enough to see what he might have done with the Slaine PnP RPG.

Not that I'm opposed to Ian Sturrock's version.
Anvil said:
Zenith, would make exceelent game where you can make up a character with super powers.

I agree, Zenith would make an excellent setting/game. Sorry to mention another company's game but have you looked at Mutants and Masterminds? It's currently on its 2nd edition and is a top-notch game with an excellent character generation system.
Would it be too late for D20 twenty Nemesis.

You lnow I think it needs like brand new set of rules for the Warlock magic. A new Magic system.

I was also wondering if Pat Mills was busy.

Though, I'm until I'm recieving my copy of the the first book of the Nemesis case files I won't getting any more inspired than I am already.