My Conan Campaign: Chapter 1 - Journey to the Black City...

I finally got a chance to start my Conan session tonight, and it went amazingly well. I have 4 players in this campaign, and none of us had played Conan before, but were all looking forward to it. The players are:

Rolf - Nordenheimer Barbarian
Gilgamesh - Shemite Nomad
Angaal - Zingaran Thief
Corvalas - Kothic Noble

The game began in the Kothic barony of Korveka with a flashback explaining how Angaal had brokered a business arraignment with the youngest son of a local Kothic noble. Corvalas although only 17 years of age has aspirations to become a knight like his father, and continue the family tradition. As the youngest son however he is often ignored by his father who is far too busy with the business of running a noble family. "Noble" scarcely describes his father however who is deeply involved in a seedy underworld of assassination, bribes, and illegal trade. Records of some of these activities has been recorded and obtained by a rival house. Corvalas acting without his father's knowledge or consent hires thieves under false pretenses to break into a well guarded merchant compound. He tells them they seek a shipment of crossbows intended for a rival family, and they need to destroy the weapons and slip out undetected, but he insists upon going with them intending to track down the incriminating documents and return them to his father. Angaal is incredibly paranoid and is uncomfortable with the idea of the employer going along on the mission, but as Corvalas has his retainer see their faces before they set out, he has little choice but to continue. To watch his back he brings the largest meanest tavern brawler he knows, a well traveled Nordhenheimer named Rolf, and a master archer and desert guide named Gilgamesh.

The game actually begins much like the Howard books, in the action. The party finds themselves pulling a rope up from the outside wall of the compound where it meets the edge of the city. Hearing approaching guards they quickly scan the inside of the compound seeing a large guard tower to the north, a large warehouse building with no windows and a sloped roof, and to the south near the main gate of the compound into the trade district of Korveka is a rectangular two story barracks building nearly against the front wall of the compound. They move as quickly forward as they can along the wall finding a ramp leading down to a grassy sward inside the compound. Lagging behind the rest, Angaal saw the approaching torch of a pike wielding guardsman. The guardsman saw something in the darkness and moved to investigate. As the party flattened themselves up against the edge of the ramp, Corvalas scraped the hilt of his broadsword against the stones, accidentally alerting the guard. Immediately reacting Angaal lept up from his hiding place, jamming his hideous Zaibar knife under the edge of the guard's leather chestguard spilling his guts out across the stones messily.

The party made their way across the courtyard of the compound, silencing several hounds until they saw the foreboding site of dark, and archaic wagons across the grounds. The design of the wagons was immediately recognized by both Gilgamesh and Corvalas as Stygian. Corvalas was convinced that the papers he sought would be found in the barracks and offices in the rectangular building, so he convinced the others it would be best to check for the crossbow crates inside the barracks first before checking the warehouse. He advised staying the hell away from the Stygian wagons. As there was a small space behind the barracks running the length of the wall, filled with brambles and weeds, Angaal scaled the rear side of the building, and using his thieves tools was able to pry free the single pane of cheap glass in the narrow window. As the smallest of the group Angaal was able to fit through the window, and replaced it with a sticky gum made from sap. He riffled through the contents of the room finding a stilleto concealed in a drawer as well as shorthand documents of merchant transactions.

Corvalas killed an off-duty guard standing at the entrance to the barracks drinking a tankard of ale and concealed his body poorly behind the building in the weeds. Corvalas and Rolf slipped inside the building but shortly afterwards other guards inside the building missed their friend and followed the trail of blood and trampled grass to his body. Outside, Gilgamesh barely managed to remain hidden by pressing himself up against the edge of the wall and throwing clumps of grass across his robe. Guards ran to raise the alarm in the tower across the compound, while others swept the area for intruders. Inside Angaal and the other two met back up on the second floor. A single guard seemingly oblivious to them guarded a door on the far end of the hallway. Eventually they tried to bluff him, trying to convince him to leave his post. He had seem them however and he rushed down the opposite stairs calling for help. As Corvalas ran to check the door he was guarding, the opposite door flew open and a guard jammed a pike into his side. The impact knocked him into the door, but was unable to breach his costly mail. Rolf heaved a large crate full of candlesticks and bashed the guards skull open despite his steel cap. Inside the room they found a concealed metal safe which Angaal was able to pick allowing him to snatch up a sheef of bound papers and two interesting looking pouches.

Guards began rushing up the stairs and Rolf and Corvalas grabbed ends of a large wooden desk and charged at the pikemen. Rolf carried his blade in his teeth as he charged. The point of a pike narrowly missed Rolf's head as he used his massive improvised wooden shield to flatten one of the guards blocking the stairway before cleaving him with his sword. With Angaal's help the three men managed to reach the flat roof of the building. Outside Gilgamesh had managed to climb up onto a narrow section of wall and rig an improvised sling to stand on outside the wall, providing cover so he could rain arrows down on the numerous guards running on the walls towards the barracks. Like a deadly rain his arrows began to fly through the air to find fleshy targets. With a great cry his first target pitched off the wall to impact on the cobbles far below. Rolf used a line to get across to the wall where archers on the outside of the compound began sweeping the area for escaping intruders. When Corvalas joined him on the narrow wall they saw the glinting of his mail in the night and arrows began to strike them. Most of the arrows were turned by Corvalas' shield and mail, but one buried itself deeply in Rolf's thigh, and another punched through links of armor into Corvalas' side. Faced with archers on both sides, Corvalas focused in the direction of the city wall, and safety. 8 trained guards with bows and swords stood between him and safety. To wait even a moment longer on the wall would be to invite certain death. Lowering his shield in front of him Corvalas charged the group of guards bunched up at the narrow section of wall. Working in tandem with the massive Rolf, while Gilgamesh rained down arrows on the group they began carving through the surprised guards. The narrow quarters and unconventional tactics worked hugely in favor of the party and within moments the remaining two guards were backing away begging for their lives. Even as they began to run, Gilgamesh sent arrows into them, sending them to join their companies in death.

Angaal had slipped behind the now deceased guards and was busy lowering a rope to their waiting horses. As they descended a large figure in full platemail with a large shield and a strangely twisted looking axe began walking across the walls with two guards flanking him. The figure had a strange symbol emblazoned on his shield, a Stygian marking surrounded in a thick black circle. As they reached their horses the figure reached the wall and looked down at them through the narrow slits of a great helm. Eyes seemed to burn in those slits even as Gilgamesh shot an arrow true to strike the foreboding helm before rebounding from the steel. Without moving the figure ignored the arrow, as if it were a gnat, and clanged axe and shield together in salute as the party rode away.

Later in the "Queen of the South" tavern in the poorest district of Korveka the party sat in a booth towards the rear of the common room. Rolf began drinking heavily as his favorite whore brought him tankard after tankard of ale while he dug an arrowhead out of his muscled thigh. The rest of the group talked money, and Corvalas handed over the rest of the payment to Angaal in exchange for the documents obtained from the safe. Angaal gave his companions the amount he had agreed on for them... half of what was actually offered for the service. As the party prepared to break for the night, a tall dark haired Stygian approached their table. With pale skin, dark eyes, and a stiff beard the man was both exotic and mysterious looking wearing a voluminous robe cinched at the waist. He informed them that they had made great enemies this night, they could not imagine how dangerous. He said they carried something that the Black Ring, a powerful group of Stygian sorcerer priests wanted and the screams of rage for its loss could be heard throughout the night. He went on to explain that he was a scholar of ancient texts and had need of guides to travel with him to an ancient city in the desert of Turan. He has no love lost for the Black Ring, and was willing to offer gems in initial payment, as well as a share in fabulous loot when they find this ancient city he seeks.

He handed a single gem to each of them in exchange for their services, and an extra gem to Angaal for the pouch he carried which turned out to contain a key carved of bone and a note written in a language only the Stygian could read. Each gem was carved exquisitely, especially the enormous topaz he gave Angaal which was carved into a tremendous likeness of a skull. Corvalas agreed to obtain horses and the party would leave town before the sun came up, for otherwise the man assured them, they would surely die.

Examining the papers later, Corvalas found that the noble house who's merchant compound they had infiltrated was deeply involved in a deal between the Stygians and the master of the Scarlet Citadel. The wagons contained a number of ensorcelled chests full of Black Lotus blossoms from the heart of Stygia worth a veritable fortune.

The campaign continues...
Wow, that's great stuff! Congratz on the successful campaign launch.

Corvalas - Kothic Noble

Am I the only one who read "Gothic Novel" at first?

How much of that was prepared in advance, and how much did you improvise? From the read, it looks like your players went along nicely with your setup.
Thus far you are the only one.

And it sounds like a good first session--I could never run that one with my group because they always need at least two to three sessions to get into the atmosphere and into character first--but it sounds like a lot of fun and I almost envy you that you have a group that could get into that swashbuckling atmosphere so quickly. Overall you also have a good grasp of the way to do REH type stuff, right down to the tavern wench and the arrow in the thigh, I chuckled at that. Your players obviously think quickly on their feet too.
I tend to prepare a very small amount of my adventures in advance, tending to wingmeister my way through. I have a basic framework in mind, and a ton of political plots floating around, but most everything else is made up on the spot. In this case, I had a small index card with stats for guard dogs, Kothic pikemen, and two other combat NPCs that didn't end up occurring. I had a basic idea of how many buildings the compound would have, and the backstory of why the Stygian goods would be in the compound, as well as full stats for the Stygian NPC at the end. (just in case they decided to tangle with him) I spent by FAR the most time rolling up the Stygian guy for the inn at the end. This leaves me open to incredibly fluid adventures because I honestly don't care which way the party goes. I have spun entire evenings of gaming out of nothing at all hehe.

We played for 8+ hours this session, and I was so happy with my players as they didn't lose track or start randomly bsing the entire time. I was using the "hack" system for exp someone suggested in the other thread, and it worked excellently. Everyone was able to use their abilities, feel useful, and contribute, despite totally different characters/classes. Every one of the players commented at least once during the night about how much they were enjoying it. The barbarian was laughing and said, "only in Conan can you crush a man to death with a desk, I freaking love Conan." I have been tremendously lucky in the players I have. I've had them for 10 years now, and gotten to see them in some amazing adventures. It was great to see that spark of entertainment we had in the old days again last night.

More updates as we continue the game... :)
I always love reading about other people's sessions. Always fun and full of great ideas! Thanks for sharing! I've got to type up one of ours sometime.
I agree, it's really great if you have players like that. ^^

only in Conan can you crush a man to death with a desk, I freaking love Conan."

Gotta love versatility. For a Barbarian, a desk is simply a very large shield with a -2 penalty for bash attacks. \o/

Our first Conan session was somewhat similar; it was a completely different scenario (there's a thread here somewhere), but the players also came up with some innovative combat tricks. It was very cinematic, a great experience. =)
Good stuff. I like giving players very expensive, but hard to get rid of loot myself, so I liked the Black Lotus ending. Nothing more fun than to see the player characters argue among themselves about what to do...especially when there is definite danger involved in the riches in question.
This weeks session I'll sort of tell from the point of view of the NPC sorcerer Tuthamon. I'll begin with his history (my players DO NOT READ) and give a basic rundown of the last session. This is a very incomplete view of what happened to the players, as Tuthamon cares little for them. I will try to write a further writeup later from their perspective.

The NPC is named Tuthamon, and is a Stygian scholar in ancient manuscripts and dark texts who desperately wanted to become a member of the Black Ring. His training however was in research and his sorcerous talents leaned towards Prestidigitation rather than the Necromancy, Curses, and Hypnotism favored by other members of the Black Ring. After being denied the mantle of a Sorcerer of the Black Ring, he was accepted as a scribe for the sorcerers instead. In a rage over the denial he sought a young slave to vent his lusts on, and finds the most striking Zamoran woman-child he has seen on the slave block outside the Temple of Derketo. The girl had been sold to Stygian slavers as a young child of 6-7 years and was given to the Temple of Derketo for training until her first moon's blood. Her crystal blue eyes and slender figure caught Tuthamon's eye and he bought her for a considerable price. After several months, while drugged by lotus plants Tuthamon confesses to his slave that he has discovered an ancient manuscript deep in the records kept by the Black Ring, and he believes it holds a secret with the location of unimaginable power. The document is so esoteric and difficult to read, and buried in the vaults he doubts it has ever been read by a member of the Black Ring, but it reveals the location of a city which existed in ancient times predating the Old Stygian cities in the land which is now Turan. Those who ruled in this city were said to possess near infinite sorcerous powers, including the secret to eternal life. According to the text however, something happened in the city, and it became dormant, without a trace of the race who lived there. Magic was said to keep the city preserved, but the local people considered it cursed and non had ventured into it since the writing of the parchment.

Tuthamon bemoaned the fact that his powers were not sufficient to control whatever magic lay in the city, and if he agreed to apprentice himself to one of the greater sorcerers in the Black Ring they would take the magic for themselves, leaving him nothing. His own studies were far too haphazard to learn the intricacies of the magic said to exist in the lost city, but the power taunted him. Eventually goaded by his Zamoran slave, Anichka, and his own lust for power Tuthamon stole a grimoire bound in human skin from the vaults with the name of a powerful demon known for sorcerous knowledge. Desparate, Tuthamon raised the creature from the outer dark and pledged himself to it in return for sorcerous powers. Somewhat warped from the experience Tuthamon became arrogant, and abrasive, taking great pleasure in his rapidly growing powers. Before accepting a demon as a patron Tuthamon had some difficulty lifting small objects and creating puffs of smoke with his sorcery. With the demon's instruction and power, he developed much great power and control over his spells, enabling him to hurl heavy objects about, and crush obstacles with raw will. At further urging from his slave, who's council he accepted more and more, he used his formidable powers to smash his way into a vault the Black Ring used to store the more valuable and dangerous alchemical and sorcerous items and along with the map to the city, flee with Anichka into the night.

Tuthamon had word that a large shipment of lotus was being sent northward into Koth, passing through a noble merchant house that was somehow affiliated with the Black Ring, and eventually going towards the Scarlet Citadel. Intending if possible to gain access to the cache of lotus, Tuthamon extended his stay in the Kothic Barony of Korveka. Finding the shipment was larger and better protected than he had expected, he fumed in his rooms until he felt the movement of dark energies in the city. He emerged from his inn and began carefully asking questions in the darker areas of the city. Amazingly enough it seemed a group of thieves had attempted to break into the same merchant house that very night and escaped after a battle with guards which left a score of the guards dead. Tuthamon managed to find the perpetrators and was able to feel Stygian magic radiating from one of them. They had borne away a cunningly carved key of human bone from a vault in the merchant compound, which he assured them was of great value to a dangerous group which would certainly seek them. The key was actually to unlock the ensorcelled crates carrying a fortune of lotus. Without it, the crates were worthless.

The thieves numbered a desert guide among them and thinking quickly, Tuthamon told them of the danger of staying in town to confront the Stygian agents which would surely come after them. He explained he was a scholar of manuscripts and offered to pay them handsomely in gemstones and a percentage of treasure if they accompanied him to a ruin he sought for his research. Fortunately Tuthamon had managed to steal a number of large gemstones from the Black Ring vault and although some of the gems had horrible curses associated with them, the party needn't know this. Struck dumb by the riches dangled in front of them, the group agreed to see him to this city and to leave that very morning.

Once in the desert a great deal happened eventually leaving the party and Tuthamon in the clutches of the Zaugir tribesmen. Although one of the party fought in a battle to the death with one of the tribesmen to show their place in the tribe, the tribal shaman, named Ahknan ibn Nazzir lusted after Anichka and declared them cursed and demanded they be killed. His ego flaring and confident with his new powers, Tuthamon called the shaman out and before the entire tribe they waged a war of wills which made the common men shiver. Sweat beading on both men's foreheads their eyes scarcely blinking they seemed to push at each other with unseen energies. A cold breeze blew through the camp, and hairs on the arms of the nomads raised from the fel energies being wielded. Unwilling to interfere the tribe watched as the shaman began to shake and beads of blood rolled out from the corner of his eyes and his nose. With a great cry he toppled to the ground overcome by the will of the Stygian traveller. The Stygian without a word turned and walked into the shaman's tent, claiming it for his own.

That night strange fires burned in a brazier in the shaman's tent filling the tent with a sweet smelling smoke and filling the tent with flickering light. Watching from the outside, one of the party saw strange shapes take form in the tent as dancing and capering shadows splayed across the fabric. A wind swirled through the nomad camp, as shouts of "Sandstorm!!!" went up. The storm lasted nearly 20 minutes tearing tents up from stakes, lashing the horses, and blowing nearly a foot of sand over the remnants of the camp. During this time the tribe and the party huddled in their tents until the sandstorm stopped abruptly as if cut off with a knife. In the shambles of the camp, only the shaman's tent remained whole and untouched with a single plume of smoke rising from the top and no lights within. Those who approached the tent would swear they heard either laughter or sobbing coming from within.

Tuthamon had become very arrogant, especially after defeating the Zuagir shaman, and decided it was time to call upon his patron to increase his powers. He called forth his demonic master and the dark power whirled throughout the camp like a storm, leaving him darker and more twisted but with the first keys to the power of life... and death. He has learned the basics of Necromancy, which his patron assures him is the first step to the power of immortality.
Wow! that was a pretty good read,the story and the background of your NPC... I like your style, keep up the good work...
Thanks guys! When I get a chance I will post some more about what happened last session, because it was completely crazy. We played for 11+ hrs straight and so much random stuff happened. The Kothic Noble ended up making a huge social mistake with the Zuagir girls binding his wounds after he became a member of the tribe, and accidentally asked both of the 12-13 year old girls to marry him. Confused, he dug himself deeper and deeper until he ended up actually having to marry them. The tribe celebrated while he performed his consummation and I rolled behind my DM shield to see if anything would come of it... I rolled a 100 on a percentile die for his chance to impregnate one of his new wives. Now the party sets off into the desert, with his two girl wives on horseback following a Stygian sorcerer into almost certain death.

Also, one of the players refused to have anything to do with Anichka, the Zamoran slave, but was stuck guarding her inside a tent by himself... I had her use her Dance of Desire (she is a multiclass with Temptress levels) and entrance him.

Next week the party heads into even more dangerous lands occupied by numerous wild beasts and the Sand Tiger tribe of Zuagir, hereditary enemies of the Bloody Hawk tribe which they became members of. Beyond that, there is the sole Zuagir city the nomadic people have created to watch over the cursed Black City, which sits waiting in the desert sands. Does immortality and treasure await, or only death and madness?

Excellent story so far! Your prose is good, and I am looking forward to seeing how the story progresses. Also, I really like how you gave the prospective and background of the antagonist Tuthamon. :)
Bjorn the Barbarian said:

Excellent story so far! Your prose is good, and I am looking forward to seeing how the story progresses. Also, I really like how you gave the prospective and background of the antagonist Tuthamon. :)

Thanks Bjorn. :) I have to say, I have gotten really wrapped up in a lot of the NPC characters with this game. I tend to do that in most of my tabletop games, but with Conan I have an almost endless list of characters I want to make. Fortunately as the GM I get a chance to make them all. I have vicious desert nomads, mysterious sorcerers, sultry temptresses... the world Howard brought to life and the game rules really compliment each other, and makes it easy to make the characters seem real, with real motivations other than "well duh, I'm chaotic evil!"

Some of the players are writing up brief character journals, which I need to transfer over so you guys can read them. The characters are pretty interesting, its a shame they are all probably going to die. :)
I there with you blackenedwings. I used to write whole backgrounds and motivations for my major NPCs in another game (which shall remain nameless). Unfortunately, work, school, and family requirements have kept me from pouring a lot into my creations. :shock:

Hopefully in the future, I will have more time. I would love to write up some of the adventures that our group has been playing. 8)
Very nice write up on Tuthamon. His motives and his story make a lot of sense and it is very intense and cool--your approach to the style of magic in the game setting is authentic and makes me think of all the stuff that had me staring at the pages when I was first reading Howard--sorcerors doing weird mysterious stuff out of desperate ambition. Keep up your posting, it is always cool to read.
great character development with Tuthamon, I was very happy to see that this guy was a bit different than 'eveil sorcerer of black ring' stereotype. The Zamoran slave girl is a great addition. I think I want one too.

Also can you stat out the sorceror and his slave, PLEASE.
Spectator said:
great character development with Tuthamon, I was very happy to see that this guy was a bit different than 'eveil sorcerer of black ring' stereotype. The Zamoran slave girl is a great addition. I think I want one too.

Also can you stat out the sorceror and his slave, PLEASE.

Sure, I would be happy to post their stats up here. I just have to calculate their leveling from this last session. Tuthamon revealed true magic for the first time in the latest session in plain view and now the entire party is plotting to murder him... they are terrified of him though, because the players have no idea what exactly his powers are or what level he is.