Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail RPG

there was also Toon. I even think this would be a great game to play the search for the grail.
Thanks DM and The king i'll look into those.

I just think a daft and not so serious lighthearted game would be a good entry into the world of RPG's. Something were mistakes a strict adherence to rules and technicalities where not so important, but having a laugh was. :)
Toon is an old game however (published by Steve Jackson Games). You play these funny characters from the cartoons (hence the title). It enables you to play almost anything in the funniest way.
I think that a Monty Pyton Holy Grail module would be a lot of fun, but I wonder if there would really be enough source material for a full RPG. (Of course, there are all of the Arthurian legends to draw from, but the scope of the Pythonverse is somewhat limited to 1 1/2 hours of movie or so.)

Other than Paranoia, I can't think of too many comedy RPGs that had a lot of long-term staying power. Ghostbusters and MIB were okay, but the novelty wore off quickly and my group looked for something else. I guess my group is good at taking normal situations and making them funny, so a pre-determined funny game just comes off as dumb.

Anyway ... if a Holy Grail module were to be produced, I'd rush out to buy one in a hurry!

Just my opinion. 8)
Hackmaster is a very amusing game - the psuedo D&D game played by the Knights of the Dinner Table.

I can be played seriously but it is much better if one plays with a bit of sass and tongue and cheek.

Here are a few goodies from Hackmaster:
The Temple of Existential Evil
The +2 Spatula of Harpang
The GM's smackdown table (for PC's that get out of line)
The Tomb of Unspeakable Horror
The Feecess flinging lemur
The Attention Getter (a humanoid monster that sneaks up on PC's and then makes a ton of noise to attract wandering monsters)

I could go on forever - the game rocks and has always been fun - it does have a high PC death ratio but that is part of the fun. The game even gives the PCs a 20pt hit point kicker at first level to help them survive.

One just has to love an RPG where the GM guide specifically states that the PC to GM relationship is adversarial and the GM should try to smack the PCs around from time to time.

Be careful or else someone will cast a sidewinder fireball at you!!!
WEG, indeed, do Ghostbusters. Very simple system, but a lot of fun!

Wish I had gotten the books lo these many years ago...
teenagers from outerspace, R.Talsorians anime style comedy game about aliens invading earth, and enrolling in our schools.

Red Dwarf- The classic Sci Fi comedy anda decent game as well, Last time We played I was a Wax droid of an Oompa Loompa.

GURPS I.O.U.- Tfos, goes to college! uses GURPS, but a ton of fun.

Ninja Burger!- High octane martial arts with ninja employees of a fast food chain, not much campaign here but a great multi one shot game.

Kobolds ate my Baby!- uses the B.E.E.R. engine, a game of fantasy roleplaying fantasy's most pathetic monsters, a ton of fun!

just a few more comedy rpgs!
Thanks londo-x, never thought to look for a Red Dwarf game :)

Just one question, when you played as an oompa loompa was your main method of attack driving enemys insane with an annoying song and strangely choreographed dance routine or by just looking so freaky that they would run away from you? :wink:
Thnking about it, most of my Traveller campaigns were high comedy, but thats mainly because the guys I played with were a few cans short of a sixpack at the best of times :)
How in the blazes did you get this far into a discussion of comedy RPGs and not mention Tales from the Floating Vagabond?

There's also Murphy's World, Stuporpowers! Deluxe, Munchkin d20,
Pokethulu is out there somewhere as a free DL but it was actually printed. Start looking at smaller companies and you see things like Barbarians Vs., Bloodsucker: The Angst and my latest novelty purchase, Pants Go On The Outside.

Of course, I'm still waiting for a Cups and Sorcery RPG...
operative 6678 said:
Thanks londo-x, never thought to look for a Red Dwarf game :)

Just one question, when you played as an oompa loompa was your main method of attack driving enemys insane with an annoying song and strangely choreographed dance routine or by just looking so freaky that they would run away from you? :wink:

No I broke my programming and was irritatied by the wily Wonka Waxdroid who did not my main catchphrase was "there has to be more to life than being a self-righteous orange Dwarf!!!" That and "one day I will kill Willy!!"
What about a generic role playing system for Monty Python as a whole. That would be including a crossing of Genre's that have been used in Jabberwocky ( which migthas well be included.) Life of Brian, Holy Grail and Meaning Of Life and not to mention the entire Fly Circus series.

I have particular fondness of seeing something like the 'Crimson Permanent Assurance' Sketch being made into game.