Miniatures Contest - vote now


EvoCommand is pleased to announce our first ever Miniatures Contest! The overall goal of this contest is to take any existing Mongoose Publishing infantry miniature(s) or vehicle(s) and push it to the next level of spiffiness… yes, I said spiffiness. You can hack, repose, repaint, replace weapons, add on, take away, blow up, stack, stuff or whatever the heck you want to do with them. The only requirement is that we as a community of voters must still be able to recognize the original miniature used. Other than that you can modify it in anyway shape or form you so desire.

Contest Rules:
  • Entries are to be anonymous. Please do not reveal your entry until the contest voting has concluded.
  • All minis must be new material specifically done for this contest. Items that have been posted elsewhere prior to the end of judging will be disqualified.
  • Contestants may submit a maximum of 2 entries, but only one entry will be eligible for a prize should both qualify.
  • A diorama with multiple minis is allowed as a single entry. However, entries have a maximum display base of 12”x12”
  • ONE picture per entry will be accepted, but multiple views (panoramic) in a single pic are encouraged. Each view may be a maximum of 400 pixels on its widest side. Maximum picture size of the overall image collage is 1200 pixels per side.
  • Photos may not be altered or “photoshopped” in any way other than cropping, resizing, and adjustment for lighting. This is a mini contest not a computer art skills contest after all. :D
  • A very short description of your entry as fluff or description of techniques used is allowed but not required.
The contest will be open for submissions from now, through October 31, 2007 @ Midnight CST (GMT -6). Submissions will be posted for open judging by the EvoCommand forum community for one week following the close of the contest.
Email all submissions to "contests'at'" (replace ‘at’ with @ - it’s an anti-spam thing) Please set the subject line of your email to "MINATURES CONTEST - [insert your user name]"

The actual prizes are being finalized now. We are attempting to step up the prizes by drafting outside sponsorship. Updates will be posted as they become available.

Best of Show – Overall winner of the contest to be determined by a community voting poll
Random Joe – All entrants names will be put in a hat and one winner will be drawn at random to receive a prize. If the Best of Show winner is drawn another name will be selected. This prize is to encourage anyone to enter, regardless of skill level.
Ribbons - Ribbons will also be awarded to the winners and participants:

Miniatures Contest Entrant:

Miniatures Contest Winner:

Determining the Winner:
Rather than using a poll where you only get to vote for one entry, voting for winners will be done via a points system. There will be a thread in our forums in which you will be able to post your top 3 choices. The points from each of your rankings will be accumulated at the end in order to determine the contest winner.

3 pts - entry # X
2 pts - entry # Y
1 pt - entry # Z

Please limit posts on this thread to questions only. Thank you.