MAssed Olympus gunships?


Just wondered if anyone has tried using large numbers of the Olympus gunships. While it seems a one-trick pony, several of them acting in concert would throw out a heck of a lot of beam damage. Anyone tried using two or three in a squadron as an HK unit?

I use the regular one, two of then and set a trap with heavy missiles to a centauri primus and destroy him in just one pass.
I know there are some people on the boards who have used them successfully- I am not one of them.
The regular version simply gives me too good a combination of close range all round, forward arc long range firepower, speed and agility.
Besides which, I've disliked this whole general type of ship ever since two squadroned Solarhawk converged on a Targrath of mine, beamed it, it survived crippled and skeletoned, and fired bolters in return- detonating one, and doing a 6-5 crit from the blast damage that took the other out.
Flukes on both sides, which only goes to make the point; ships like this don't have the all round capability to ride out bad luck. They can capitalise on the good like nobody's business, but they're not solid.
The Hyperion has less firepower, but it has much better secondaries and more survivability.
Burger said:
Reaverman uses one. He doesn't need 10. It is the EA Baracus.

Yeah, but I use the Gunship a they are Raid. The variant mentioned here, is the skirmish level ship. Which goes back to what I said in previous posts, that skirmish ships in mass are quite awsome when they get into range.

to clarify, I am asking about the Raid PL gunship with 6AD of beam forward, not the skirmish corvette.

Like I said, I realize it is a one-trick pony, but that's a lot of beam. Squadroned, it's a ridiculous amount. Plus it's reasonably nimble, so should be able to bring that beam to bear. The downside is its relative fragility. I doubt you'd be able to spring this on an opponent twice.

wow hadnt even seen that ship, and theres peopple cmoplaining about 3AD beams on prefects and 4AD beams on sullusts :)
Think counterforce.
The most efficient way to win is to remove as much of your opponent's firepower from the table, as quickly as possible. Solarhawks, Olympus Gunships, Salust, Xixx, scheisseundverdammt Saggys- even to a certain extent the Hyperion- are all very well armed for the amount of Hull, damage and crew points and defences they have backing that up, and as such I for one would go for them first.
I would be prepared to take high risks to do so, and almost certainly would get hard hit by their escorts, but it would be worth it to stop them unloading on me.
Besides, two raid ships, squadroned? Take lots of initiative sinks for them- it's too big a fleet element to slip under the radar in any but the largest games, and if your opponent has his eye on them, you're going to end up lining up on a Corvan or Jashakar.
They have alot of firepower. Yes.

But its not enough to reliably take down a battle lvl ship. And the turn after most battle lvl ships will be close enough to pount you to dust. As a Narn i know what it takes to weather the storm, and G'Quans and Rothans manage well enough to withstand 2 Hyperions firing. Changing that to 2 Gunships wont solve the problem id guess

I concur with SNJ, fragile ships with lots of firepower simply become prime targets. Turning them into slagheap that much faster. Yes they will do some damage first, but normally not enough to pay themselves back, unless maybe you play them as a scare factor. But there is little hiding in space......
katadder said:
wow hadnt even seen that ship, and theres peopple cmoplaining about 3AD beams on prefects and 4AD beams on sullusts :)

I bet if they were hull 4, people might not complain... :lol:
I tendto use an Olympus gunship or two in big games as a reserve, sit it back for a turn or two on all stop until things get in range then move in boresighting something worthwhile and blow the pap out of it, sadly that's only worked once or twice and usually the olympus gunship gets picked off from the beginning somewhere.
I tendto use an Olympus gunship or two in big games as a reserve, sit it back for a turn or two on all stop until things get in range then move in boresighting something worthwhile and blow the pap out of it, sadly that's only worked once or twice and usually the olympus gunship gets picked off from the beginning somewhere.
I use the similar Solarhawk fairly often. The beam can be very impressive or crap. The limitatios of small numbers of dice. If I can land a damaging crit it is awesome in its moment.

That said it only gets its moment about half the time. And its only gotten its moment twice in one game one time.

High priority targets like this just do not last. Better off with a Hyperion by far.

i use 3 Gunships in larger battles usually squadroned. Called Belephron,Tonnant and Orion they can cause horrendus damage to targets especially if a oracle can paint the target for them allowing those misses to be rerolled. However they rarely live to the end of the battle due to their lack of secondaries. Trick is to know when and on which targets to use them.
i had try 4 of them at a battle, 2x the normal variant loaded with heavy missiles, one with harms and one with longranges and one gunship variant for the fighters....that was funny,really funny for my enemy because he played minbari :lol: stealth vs stealth :D