LW 11 & 12

GladysPool said:
Any update as whether Book 12 will still be dispatched this month?

Personally I have high hopes, but then I'm the eternal optimist and recover quickly from disappointment. If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath, even if it makes it to the Mongoose post room, Royal Mail are now on strike.
Nothing yet. But there's still one week left in October, so if they release it this Friday, even if you receive it by mail in November, they would have respected their schedule.
I'm not too worried about Mongoose meeting a deadline, I'm just excited for the book. Reading through 11 kind of got me back into it all again.
I had thought about that as well. I don't know the specifics but aren't Mongoose's printer's now in the US? Has the book gone to the printers? I get them mixed up. I'm actually in the US and I thought it wouldn't affect us here, but maybe they didn't want to be unfair to UK fans and decided just to wait with the whole shipment. At any rate, I guess I can wait a little while longer. In fact maybe that's a good thing. It gives me time to forget about LoneWolf. So I read every book a little more carefully and enjoy it perhaps a bit more.
That's some good news there Matt!!

Looking forward to it! :D

"May the Sommerswerd light your way this winter - unless it's encased in a Korlinium Scabbard!"
I got mine today in the mail as well.

And I hate to be the one to bring this up, but I noticed one minor error so far - the instructions for section 272 say to turn to section 85. That is wrong. It should be 285. You will probably only ever get to 272 if you have the right combination of Kai disciplines and luck. I don't think this is a show-stopper, but I thought I would pass it on so you don't have to spend too much time trying to find the correct section.
This is a recurring error but they have used the previous Action Chart (Lorkon) for the bonus adventure - should be Capt Borse
just got mine today first thing I noticed is a spelling mistake on the spine it says "The Maters of Darkness" haven't even opened inside it yet though to check the rest
swiftstrike said:
just got mine today first thing I noticed is a spelling mistake on the spine it says "The Maters of Darkness" haven't even opened inside it yet though to check the rest

wow lol, your right! Can't believe I didn't even notice that!

Got my copy of the "Maters" of Darkness too - I didn't notice the error on the spine until reading it on here - well spotted!

Haven't error-checked the book, but I'm liking the illustrations. Good, clear map (thanks for that!) and some nice drawings of Gnaag, the Tower of the Damned and the various transport-methods we see.

Looking forward to reading through the book this weekend. :D

Oh and I'll try and sort my avatar out at some point too! :oops:
I know we should be grateful for Mongoose reprinting this great series, but surely I can't be the only one getting increasing frustrated at the silly mistakes being made in the printing/editing of these books. Nearly every book now has had some error on at least one of the action charts, and these problems still haven't been fixed. The spelling mistake on the spine of book 12 means it will probably never sit on my bookshelf, which is a real shame. I know most of the errors are 'minor', but we are all paying good money for these books and a certain standard is expected. So please Mongoose, please try harder to prevent these mistakes from happening. I'd like to stay around and get the full set, but I can't keep paying for substandard products.
Got mine too. Not read it yet but like the way the Bonus adventure mentions you can wear Padded Leather but not Chainmail with a Bronin Vest, clears that up a little. A pity about the errors on the spine.

I got Spear of Destiny with mine, by Jaspre Bark, along with other bumph. Didn't order it. Was this because I'm an original Mega-deal customer? Did anyone else get anything extra?
When I placed my order for Books 11 & 12 in September (I think it was), I got 'The Culled' by Simon Spurrier as a free gift when I received book 11. I'm not a mega deal customer though.