Looking for Earth Alliance models (to buy/trade for)


I'm trying to finish up my Earth Alliance fleet and am having trouble finding the last few models that I need. Originally I figured I'd wait for IWM, but we have a big game coming up next month to commemorate my new house and I really want to be ready for it.

So if anybody has these available and would be willing to sell them or trade for them, I'd hugely appreciate it.

Stuff I'm looking for:
2-4 Chronos
2 Delphi
2 Marathon
1 Warlock

thanks in advance!
I have some Chronos, Delphi and possibly a couple of marathon for an Early EA fleet that I would consider swapping for some ships of the Narn, Drazi, Vree etc to get some ships to use in the RPG when I need various ALien Races. I normally run Dilgar and Centauri and the EA just hasn't grown on me.
stepan.razin said:
Try www.frpgames.com

Except for the marathon, they have all of these.

Unfortunately I tried frpgames and as soon as I added them to the cart, they switched to special order. I assume 'special order' means there is no chance of getting it in this situation.
GamerInfinity said:
I assume 'special order' means there is no chance of getting it in this situation.

I asked them that and yes, "Special Order Only" means they don't have the item(s) in stock.

Cheers, Gary