Long-Running Online Mongoose Traveller Game Seeks New Player


Mustered Out on Mertactor has been running since last November and is the sequel to Mustered Out on Regina, which started in February 2011. The campaign has covered 2.5 years of campaign time as it is a pretty fast-moving game with most players posting daily.

The game runs completely online, partly as a Play-By-Post on Obsidian Portal and partly 'live' using the (free) Gametable Virtual Tabletop software.

The live sessions are played on Sundays at the following time:

UK: 18.00
East Coast: 13.00
West Coast: 10.00

Sessions usually run for around four hours.

One player has recently dropped out due to family commitments and so we are looking for one new player.

If you are unable to make these times on a relatively regular basis - sorry, this game is not going to be for you.

If you are free at those times, then read on ...

We play using Mongoose Traveller rules and stick as close to canon as we can.

All of the players are first generation Traveller players, so we're all pretty old. New players probably won't want to hang out with a bunch of old fuddy-duddies like us. Really.

The game is detailed and we take it seriously, but we remember that we're only doing this to have fun - not to 'win'. Anyone prone to temper tantrums need not apply (as we will just make snarky comments about you behind your back).

If I haven't put you off playing already, you can check out the campaign to date at:


Still interested?

Then drop me a line in any of the following ways:

1. PM me via this board.
2. PM me via Obsidian Portal
3. Email me at nick[at]pendrell[dot]me
4. Skype me at npendrell
If you're on the Pacific Coast, then that would be correct.

We have one player in North Cal and another in Vancouver so you would be in good company for those unfortunate ones who have an early start!
NickP said:
If you're on the Pacific Coast, then that would be correct.

We have one player in North Cal and another in Vancouver so you would be in good company for those unfortunate ones who have an early start!
Wow... I'm at the Washington/Idaho border so this might just be the thing for me too.

<Shuffles off to check his schedule, damm left my data pad on the cruise ship.> :shock:
NickP said:
If you're on the Pacific Coast, then that would be correct.

We have one player in North Cal and another in Vancouver so you would be in good company for those unfortunate ones who have an early start!

I am in Arizona, we never change our time, so during the Summer I am on Pacific time. When the rest of the US changes their clocks this fall we match up with Central time.