SableWyvern said:
Mongoose August said:
*refraining from comment, lest he rant*
adgramaine said:
I too, wish to hear this rant.
Ooh ... just noticed this:
Sablewyvern said:
which is what the blurb strongly implies will happy
:? :shock: :roll:
Did I really write that?
um...didn't i say it clear just a bit ago?
adgramaine said:
Still I stand by the fact that Magnamund has always been a HEROIC and DARK FANTASY world since day one. It ain't like it's Shrek, or even Grim's Faerie Tales, ya know? Heroes are supposed to fight oppresive odds, that's why they're called HEROES (even when they die trying, ESP. when they die trying)...
it seems i did... I really don't want to launch into it more than I have, but I guess I opened this can of worms, so I should shut up and deal, right?
Ahem... <rant>your point of your original post seems to question the frame of Mongoose's collective minds when they wrote the "pessimistic blurb" on the back cover, yes?
Well, I know the answer to their thought processes - they were trying to stay as close to the game books as possible, and honor the years of entertainment Joe Dever/Ian Page's mythic collection of game books has brought us one and all, fans of the original books unite! They were dark, gritty tales that often killed the hero character (Lone Wolf and Grey Star - level of lethality varied per series and individual books) before we were able to complete their valiant quests. They WERE hard to survive, they WERE pessimistic, and they WERE dark and overbearing, but we played them, the gluttons of punishment we are, and we LOVED THEM! We still to this day love them, else we'd be spending more time with our significant others and other friends, worrying about work and taxes and the inflation of cigarette prices rather than coming to this site and talking about these books and adventures we loved for oh so very long.... cause if you notice, even though this Board is for the Mongoose D20 LW RPG, a LOT of the topics revert back to the "old school fans" who have read all the gamebooks, own most of them, and would never think of calling the game anything other than what it is...
Now, Sable, I am not meaning for this to come across as a mean and harsh thing. I am simply stating my opinion, and what is assuredly the opinion of a few other board members out there as well. And I hope you can respect that. I certainly respect your opinion of the view as well. As to the reason of the rant in the first place, well....
sableWyvern said:
I too, wish to hear this rant. asked for it :lol:
this rant was brought to you by a man who was smiling the entire time and in no way was angry or intending to come across as hostile