Just chance... or racial memory running wild???

Let me share with you my state of extreme surprise, wonder and astonishment. :shock: :shock: :shock:

:wink: Zamora exists!:
(And it belongs to the Kingdom of Spain...):

:wink: An up to now "unknown" Conan film, Capitan Conan!!
We forgot to take prisoners, Captain.»):

:wink: Picts galore!!!
(A whole Pictish Kingdom... nowadays):
Only a bit of a joke, fellow ladies & gentlemen :wink: ...

Being aware that Howard took from real History some of the names he used in his stories, I was trying to get along a few:

"Zamora" is the name of a real province and its capital in Spain; "Conan" is a real name well documented in the Celtic realms (especially the in the ancient Duchy of Brittany, IIRC - and an excellent film by Mr Tavernier, BTW); the "Picts", well, there have been (there are?) real Picts in History too, and "Zingara", ditto...

Any other "real" names?
Crom was a Celtic god (see Slaine) and Mitra was a god whose worshipping competed with Christianity in Roman empire.

Many of the place names (like Zembabwe and Luxor) are either directly taken from real world or slightly altered.

SnowDog said:
Crom was a Celtic god (see Slaine) and Mitra was a god whose worshipping competed with Christianity in Roman empire.

Many of the place names (like Zembabwe and Luxor) are either directly taken from real world or slightly altered.


Same with Finnish names Louhi and Pohiola, IIRC Louhi was a wicked enchantress and Queen of the bleak realm of Pohjola...

True, Louhi seems to be taken from Kalevala and Pohiola (Pohjola) just means northern place (Ultima Thule?) in Finnish.

Näkemiin :wink:
