Jusdge Dredd - Converting from GW to D20

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Does anybody have any guidelines for converting stuff from the old GW game to the New D20 version - bearng in mind that whilst I was an avid player, many years ago, I don't actually have the old rulebooks.

Primarily characters/NPCs, although stats for the Kill-dozer/Landcruiser combination would be very nice.

Mayhem said:
Does anybody have any guidelines for converting stuff from the old GW game to the New D20 version - bearng in mind that whilst I was an avid player, many years ago, I don't actually have the old rulebooks.

Primarily characters/NPCs, although stats for the Kill-dozer/Landcruiser combination would be very nice.


The two systems aren't really compatable, ufortunately - it's probably better to start from scratch.

The Land Raider and the Killdozer can be found on page 46 of 'The Rookie's Guide to the Justice Department'.
I think John Caliber had a conversion system he used with the Judge Dredd Street Sim site, could be worth checking that out - Plus theres some additional source book stuff over on his site (if its still up)...
Johns site - now called the JUDGE DREDD JUSTICE CENTRAL - is very much alive and kicking and to be found here:


I dunno how long this link will remain up on this forum cause Mongoose dont seem to like competitors....

Ive never seen any D20 material on the site since John doesnt rate the system (it was the worst part of the job he tells me!), but John has devised a new rules system that is sooooo easy its unbelievable. I use it instead of D20 {not that I ever uses D20 you understand he-he). John has some new PDF sourcebooks out next year - and theyre FREE! which makes me a cert customer!
I know, but back in Feburary John was working for Mongoose and did conversions of their product back to GW rules - as well as printing the fantastic missing material from the Brit City Guide.

I am sure the conversion details were avalible from his site, simply reverse the process he used to go to GW to D20.

I am sure mongoose don't mind his page as it does at least offer support material and thus encouragement to buy the d20 source books
Ive looked over Johns site and cant find any GW conversions. I could email him and see what he did with them? Looks like John is away for a bit writing a novel so hes not probably not keeping up with Dreddish developments at the mo'.
Unfortunately his site has taken the long walk now. Does anyone know where you can get hold of the missing pages from the guide to Brit Cit now? Perhaps they could be hosted on Dredd Times?

Raising this old post from the ashes...

Does anyone have a good way for converting between GW and d20... either way will work. I am planning on using some of the old GW stuff for inspiration, but full conversion of some modules would be cool as well.

I personally am not used to D20 rules at all, and found the GW rules really easy to write for. I am having trouble getting the balance right, especially with monsters I need to throow at my players. Is there a quick way to write up a powerful (but not completely unbeatabe!) monster in D20 or should I just study the books more?

For example, when I ran (using GW rules) a direct rip of James Herberts' 'The Dark' as a Dredd adventure, I had 'zombies' who had the following stats:

S - 2
I - 21
CS - 19
DS - 0
TS - 0
SS - 0
PS - 000 (immune)

Special Abilities: None
Immune to Stunning and Knock-Outs, including when wounded. Destroyed when S = 0 or I = 0.
Will Not Surrender.

Nothing scary on thier own, (but the fact they could not be stopped until destroyed made them work really well, espcially when there were HUNDREDS of them... and Psi Judges were useless against them...)

I wouldn't know where to start with D20.

I am currently playing a conversion of the Dredd novel Black Atlantic, and am using a slightly modified version of the Xenomorph stats from The Rookies Guide to the Undercity for the Warchild unit. This is because I really am struggling to quickly come up with proper stats for D20 characters (I had no familiarity with the system pre-Dredd), but I could knock up GW rules characters in the blinking of an eye! I prefer those rules, to be honest, as at least you had a decent armour degeneration rule (lose 5% from armour effectiveness for every hit the armour absorbs) which allowed players to imagine themselves shot to pieces with thier shoulder pads and helmets wrecked... D20 Dredd just gives you an armour rating of 6 permanently... I hate that :)

GW had a really good set of vehicle rules, too. I still use them - but this is, to be honest, mainly because we are used to them and my whole gaming group is struggling with D20 as it is too rules-heavy and doesn't seem to allow for a fast-paced game, which is what Dredd should be, IMO.

BTW - I am still going to post those adventures! I had not forgotten - life has been a bit hecticc of late!
I wish I could help, but I've only played a few tabletop rpgs. The more recent game was d20 D&D and the only game I've ever tried GMing is d20 Dredd. I have the old Games Workshop game now but at first glance it looks complicated.

There are a lot of problems with the d20 Dredd game, that I would love to see looked at in the proposed 2nd edition. One of the main ones is, as you say, the armor. There must be a way to give judges good defense, but slowly wear them down like the armor deteriation you mentioned. I try to imagine why a judge should not fear a knife wielding perp, and it always comes down to his/her training and speed, and really has nothing to do with whether the knife can or cannot pierce his/her armor.

I'm trying to work with d20 because it's what my players know best, but although I love the setting, it is difficult to manage adventures in the current ruleset.

The big problem with the GW system was the stun rule. If a character was stunned for an action or two, they couldn't do anything and the Judges would use this rule to drop the hardest perp imaginable.

Actions were dictated by Initiative. The average cit would have an I score, generally, under 20, giving them 2 actions per round (out of a possible 10 - and you can bet that all players would use EPs to put up Initiative and choose special abilities which gave them extra actions until they could act in every one of the 10 pphases in a combat round). The slightest hit would usually give 1 or 2 stuns, meaning the Judges would often have 10 actions to a perp's 2, hit him on the first action for a stun, and get to have another 9 actions whilst the perp had none...

So, if you had Judges who had gained a lot of experience, they would become unstoppable. There was a Special Ability calle Knock Out which players would always choose, which meant any hand to hand hit causing a stun would render thier opponent unconcious. Coupled with the overuse of Stumm gas, this made players way too powerful if you allowed them to live through 3 or 4 big campaigns. So, you had to write adventures in which the perps were unrealistically hard. The average pickpocket who you needed to escape would have to have an I score of over 50, and preferably a high Combat Skill to boot. Since I used those rules from, like, 1986 through to 2003, and played pretty much constantly (once a week - hey! This is my favourite game ever!) it became second nature for me to stat up a bunch of perps pretty much off the top of my head, which I knew wopuld be a realistic challange for my team of Judges.

The D20 version has many, many advantages, but as I said, the lack of armour degeneration is a major thing I dislike about D20. With GW rules, evey hit would strike a location - be it on a person or a robot or a vehicle, and if it did not penetrate the armour it would damage the armour. I liked the hit location rule much more than the D20 hit location rule because knee pads would protect the legs only, helmets the head etc... and Judges would worry if they suffered 3 or 4 head-shots which thier helmet had cushioned as the armour value of thier helmet would deteriorate - there seems to be no equivalent rule in the D20 version, just an Armour value of 6. I want to be able to have perps aim for he head and to be able to mash up the repirator or comm-link or something. This may well be possible, but as I am so unfamiliar with D20 (I always used Warhammer FRP for fantasy games, as well as being fond of Vampire the Masquerade and (especially) Paranoia -

I am just feeling ATM like a novice GM because I don't fully and completely know the rule set, despite having ALL the Dredd books and the Player's Guide, and I have read them all cover-to-cover at least twice each.

Maybe I am just daft :)
I don't think you are daft at all... I struggle with the same things. While I never played the GW version (it sounds good on the whole) I don't have much d20 experience and it is difficult to get to grips with sometimes.

One of the funny(?) recurring problems I have is regarding helmets. Occasionaly, I want a judges helmet to be removed... perhaps they were grappling (i.e. rolling around on the floor) or perhaps that have been captured by perps... but whatever the reason, there is no way to penalise the players beyond losing the infra-red vision, respirator, and comm-link.

Now, one of my players has decided that the tek boys are incompetent fools because there is no chin-strap to hold the helmet on your head.

If we had something simular to the GW rules where each hit would hit a specific location, the judges without helmets would have something to fear... but d20 means they still have 6 armor value. I can have perps do called shots at the head, but the judges would still get the 6 armor value, with or without the helmet.

Sometimes, I wish my players were less d20 veterans, and more Dredd fans. Oh well, at least I get to run the game :)

I am an old GW version veteran too, although I didn't run the game quite as long. One possible way to handle armor in d20 version could be to make a d20 roll to see if the attack hit armor (pads or helmet).

20 = Head
19 = Right arm (elbow or eagle pad)
18 = Left arm (elbow or shoulder pad)
17 = Right leg (knee pad)
16 = Left leg (knee pad)

If the attack hits armor then you reduce the AR (6) and either reduce the AR or just say that pads have 3 structural points and helmet has 5. Each hit reduces structural points by 1. When structural points are reduced to 0 the armor is rendered useless.

I admit, that this is quick and dirty mechanic, but it might work.

What comes to helmet, of course it should have a chin strap but then again you might ask how the heck bikes can go over 500 kph :) Respirator is only active when a judge has time to pull it down, it's not in use all the time. I don't remember it having IR capabilities of any sort...