Emperor Mongoose
You play your game your way, I will play mine my way, to each their own. 
The far frontier of an old corrupt empire, with limited Imperial control over the goings on, and considerable resentment for curtailing freedoms that tighter Imperial rule would bring.
Sadly this setting disappeared as the Imperium was made all powerful, and the Spinward Marches have been settled for a thousand years.
A Long Night is a much more open setting...
I still refer back to the end notes of LBB:3
The players are in the driving seat, what do they want to do?

The Spinward Marches was such a setting at first.I don't like referees who control the Travellers. It's not their power fantasy. It's the players'.
As a player myself, I play Traveller to experience what it's like to be free. And I think there should be an understanding that there are many other players who live for that vicarious experience to wander where they will without the chains of debt, slavery, or obligation to hold them back.
After all, what is the name of this game?
The far frontier of an old corrupt empire, with limited Imperial control over the goings on, and considerable resentment for curtailing freedoms that tighter Imperial rule would bring.
Sadly this setting disappeared as the Imperium was made all powerful, and the Spinward Marches have been settled for a thousand years.
A Long Night is a much more open setting...
I still refer back to the end notes of LBB:3
Traveller is necessarily a framework describing the barest of essentials for an
infinite universe; obviously rules which could cover every aspect of every possible
action would be far larger than these three booklets. A group involved in playing a
scenario or campaign can make their adventures more elaborate, more detailed,
more interesting, with the input of a great deal of imagination.
The greatest burden, of course, falls on the referee, who must create entire
worlds and societies through which the players will roam. One very interesting
source of assistance for this task is the existing science-fiction literature. Virtually
anything mentioned in a story or article can be transferred to the Traveller environment.
Orbital cities, nuclear war, alien societies, puzzles, enigmas, absolutely
anything can occur, with imagination being the only limit.
The players themselves have a burden almost equal to that of the referee: they
must move, act, travel in search of their own goals. The typical methods used in life
by 20th century Terrans (thrift, dedication, and hard work) do not work in
Traveller; instead, travellers must boldly plan and execute daring schemes for the
acquisition of wealth and power. As for the referee, modern science-fiction tradition
provides many ideas and concepts to be imitated.
Above all, the players and the referees must work together. Care must be taken
that the referee does not simply lay fortunes in the path of the players, but the
situation is not primarily an adversary relationship. The referee simply administers
the rules in situations where the players themselves have an incomplete understanding
of the universe. The results should reflect a consistent reality.
Welcome to the universe of Traveller!
The players are in the driving seat, what do they want to do?
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