I like characters with nifty mental abilities, so here's my attempt to use the PSI rules to create them, what do people think?
Cognitive Boost
Cognitive Boost is the psionic talent which allows fine control of one’s own mind. Cognitive Boost powers never have Reach – they are used only on the Traveller himself. Cognitive Boost is not capable of affecting others.
Mental Speed
The Traveller can speed up her thought processes to many times normal. She cannot move or act any faster, but the world seems to slow down around her even more than when using metabolic accelerator, but this acceleration only applies to the Traveller's thoughts and sensory perceptions. She does not gain any additional actions. Using this ability in combat provides the Traveller with DM+8 to all initiative rolls. In addition, the Traveller can read 20 times as fast as normal or spend time carefully composing a long speech in the time it takes her to walk up on a podium. She also always has time to carefully consider her options, even in the middle of a fast and furious combat and can easily notice someone beginning to draw a hidden weapon. Finally, she doubles all die modifiers for aiming (although the maximum die modifier gained from aiming remains DM+6). The Traveller retains this mental speed for a number of minutes equal to the Effect of the Cognitive Boost check. Also, when using this ability, the Traveller can switch between mental speed and normal speed thoughts and perceptions at will.
Check: Average (8+) Cognitive Boost (1D seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 1
The Traveller can understand translate any language created by her own species regardless of whether she has ever encountered the language before. This power can also be used to translate alien languages, including those that no one has encountered for tens of thousands of years, but the process is more difficult. In both cases, the Traveller must have access to at least a page of text, at least several minutes of recorded speech, or one or more speakers of the language who are interested in communicating. The Traveller then listens to or reads the language before the player makes the check. The Traveller retains this linguistic understanding lasts a number minutes equal to the Effect of the Cognitive Boost check x 10, after which point the Traveller retains translations of what she has read, said, and heard, but almost no knowledge of the actual language. The Traveller can only retain knowledge of how to speak or read one unfamiliar language at a time.
Check – Translate Same Species Language: Average (8+) Cognitive Boost (1D Minutes, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 2
Check – Translate Alien Language: Difficult (10+) Cognitive Boost (1D Minutes, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 4
Technological Understanding
By spending a few minutes examining a single unfamiliar vehicle, weapon, or device, the Traveller can gain temporary knowledge of how to use this item without penalty, as long as the Traveller possesses the physical capacity to use this device. This power can be used to provide someone with no military training the ability to use and wear battle dress without penalty or even to aim and fire an unknown alien weapon without penalty. The Traveller retains knowledge of how to operate this device for a number minutes equal to the Effect of the Cognitive Boost check x 10, after, all penalties return. The Traveller can only retain knowledge of how to use one unfamiliar device at a time.
Check: Very Difficult (12+) Cognitive Boost (1D minutes, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 3
Mathematical Prowess
The Traveller can instantly make a single calculation with perfect accuracy, and this calculation can be exceptionally complex. This calculation can be used to decrypt a single code, perform a single Astrogation check without needing to use a computer, or even to precisely predict what roulette wheel will roll when it is spun or where exactly all the debris from an explosion will land when observing an explosion. The calculation occurs instantly, but the Traveller must possess all of the required information, which for a pair of dice or an explosion requires the ability to observe the spinning roulette wheel and the explosion as it occurs. Also, if there is something anomalous occurring, like a weighted, unfair roulette wheel or an invisible force field blocking part of the explosion. Most uses of this ability
Check: Difficult (10+) Cognitive Boost* (1D seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 3
* If using this ability to make a skill check like an Astrogation check, use that skill rather than Cognitive Boost to make this check, but ignore any of the normal difficulty modifiers to this check other than those for incomplete information.
Mnemonics is the psionic talent which allows fine control of one’s own mind. Mnemonics powers never have Reach – they are used only on the Traveller himself. Mnemonics is not capable of affecting others.
Photographic Memory
All Travellers who possess mnemonics gain a photographic memory. They never forget anything they see, read, hear, or otherwise sense, making all of their memories of an event as clear 30 years later as they were 30 seconds after the incident occurred. This ability works constantly and requires no PSI cost to maintain.
Edit Memory
The Traveller can edit her own memory, removing a single specific memory or set of related memories, like all memories of a specific individual or she can choose to forget entire days or even entire years. On a successful check, the memory is gone and cannot be accessed via any technology or psionic power. All the Traveller remembers is causing herself to forget something and roughly when the forgotten memory occurred, but not what was forgotten. Also, the fact that the Traveller used her psionics to forget something is also impossible to detect using lie detectors or psionic powers. However, by making the same check again, the Traveller can instantly remember what was forgotten. If the Traveller causes herself to forget several incidents, she can choose to recall any of them, while leaving all of the others temporarily forgotten, but can only select the incident based on the surrounding, intact, memories, not on the memory's contents.
Check: Average (8+) Mnemonics (1D x 10 seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 1
Sculpt Memory
The Traveller can rewrite any single memory, changing everything from a memory of a robbery so that he goes from being the robber to one of the victims, to remembering a quiet day at home, when he actually visited the orbital highport. These memories are detailed an accurate, but cannot contain any information that the Traveller did not previously possess. If the Traveller creates a memory of visiting the local highport, but does not know that it was attacked by pirates when he was supposedly visiting, he does not remember the attack. However, on a successful check, the memory is entirely altered and the fact that it has been tampered with cannot be determined using any technology or psionic power. However, the Traveller has a vague sense that the memory has been tampered with. By making the same check again, the Traveller can instantly remember the true events, while retaining somewhat less clear memories of the memory he created.
Check: Difficult (10+) Mnemonics (1D x 10 seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 2
Enhanced Memory
The Traveller can temporarily memorize and absorb vast amounts of information, such as reading about and watching video or holographic footage of an individual and being able to perfectly impersonate them (with a suitable disguise), studying engineering manuals on a particular starship, or reading and listening to instruction on learning a particular language. Regardless of the subject matter, the Traveller can only memorize a single subject at once and must spend at least eight hours in intensive, uninterrupted study. If the check is successful, these memories eliminate any unskilled penalty to the check and provide a DM+4 too all checks related to using this knowledge, such as impersonating the individual studied, making Engineering and Mechanics checks on the type of starship studied, or speaking a particular language. However, this ability is most useful for individuals with little or no previous understanding of a topic. The total bonus provided by a skill the Traveller knows and this ability cannot exceed +5. If a Traveller learns the detailed specifications of a particular starship and already possesses Mechanic 3, he still cannot gain a total bonus from skills and enhanced memory greater than +5. Also, the knowledge provided by this ability is quite narrow - how to impersonate one individual, speak a single language, or repair a single model of starship.
This enhanced memory lasts a number days equal to the Effect of the Mnemonics check after which point the Traveller retains memories of studying the subject, but gains no more competence or understanding than anyone else would from eight hours of intensive study. The Traveller cannot use this ability again until after the enhanced memories gained from a previous use have faded.
Check: Difficult (10+) Mnemonics (1D x Hours, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 5
Cognitive Boost
Cognitive Boost is the psionic talent which allows fine control of one’s own mind. Cognitive Boost powers never have Reach – they are used only on the Traveller himself. Cognitive Boost is not capable of affecting others.
Mental Speed
The Traveller can speed up her thought processes to many times normal. She cannot move or act any faster, but the world seems to slow down around her even more than when using metabolic accelerator, but this acceleration only applies to the Traveller's thoughts and sensory perceptions. She does not gain any additional actions. Using this ability in combat provides the Traveller with DM+8 to all initiative rolls. In addition, the Traveller can read 20 times as fast as normal or spend time carefully composing a long speech in the time it takes her to walk up on a podium. She also always has time to carefully consider her options, even in the middle of a fast and furious combat and can easily notice someone beginning to draw a hidden weapon. Finally, she doubles all die modifiers for aiming (although the maximum die modifier gained from aiming remains DM+6). The Traveller retains this mental speed for a number of minutes equal to the Effect of the Cognitive Boost check. Also, when using this ability, the Traveller can switch between mental speed and normal speed thoughts and perceptions at will.
Check: Average (8+) Cognitive Boost (1D seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 1
The Traveller can understand translate any language created by her own species regardless of whether she has ever encountered the language before. This power can also be used to translate alien languages, including those that no one has encountered for tens of thousands of years, but the process is more difficult. In both cases, the Traveller must have access to at least a page of text, at least several minutes of recorded speech, or one or more speakers of the language who are interested in communicating. The Traveller then listens to or reads the language before the player makes the check. The Traveller retains this linguistic understanding lasts a number minutes equal to the Effect of the Cognitive Boost check x 10, after which point the Traveller retains translations of what she has read, said, and heard, but almost no knowledge of the actual language. The Traveller can only retain knowledge of how to speak or read one unfamiliar language at a time.
Check – Translate Same Species Language: Average (8+) Cognitive Boost (1D Minutes, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 2
Check – Translate Alien Language: Difficult (10+) Cognitive Boost (1D Minutes, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 4
Technological Understanding
By spending a few minutes examining a single unfamiliar vehicle, weapon, or device, the Traveller can gain temporary knowledge of how to use this item without penalty, as long as the Traveller possesses the physical capacity to use this device. This power can be used to provide someone with no military training the ability to use and wear battle dress without penalty or even to aim and fire an unknown alien weapon without penalty. The Traveller retains knowledge of how to operate this device for a number minutes equal to the Effect of the Cognitive Boost check x 10, after, all penalties return. The Traveller can only retain knowledge of how to use one unfamiliar device at a time.
Check: Very Difficult (12+) Cognitive Boost (1D minutes, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 3
Mathematical Prowess
The Traveller can instantly make a single calculation with perfect accuracy, and this calculation can be exceptionally complex. This calculation can be used to decrypt a single code, perform a single Astrogation check without needing to use a computer, or even to precisely predict what roulette wheel will roll when it is spun or where exactly all the debris from an explosion will land when observing an explosion. The calculation occurs instantly, but the Traveller must possess all of the required information, which for a pair of dice or an explosion requires the ability to observe the spinning roulette wheel and the explosion as it occurs. Also, if there is something anomalous occurring, like a weighted, unfair roulette wheel or an invisible force field blocking part of the explosion. Most uses of this ability
Check: Difficult (10+) Cognitive Boost* (1D seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 3
* If using this ability to make a skill check like an Astrogation check, use that skill rather than Cognitive Boost to make this check, but ignore any of the normal difficulty modifiers to this check other than those for incomplete information.
Mnemonics is the psionic talent which allows fine control of one’s own mind. Mnemonics powers never have Reach – they are used only on the Traveller himself. Mnemonics is not capable of affecting others.
Photographic Memory
All Travellers who possess mnemonics gain a photographic memory. They never forget anything they see, read, hear, or otherwise sense, making all of their memories of an event as clear 30 years later as they were 30 seconds after the incident occurred. This ability works constantly and requires no PSI cost to maintain.
Edit Memory
The Traveller can edit her own memory, removing a single specific memory or set of related memories, like all memories of a specific individual or she can choose to forget entire days or even entire years. On a successful check, the memory is gone and cannot be accessed via any technology or psionic power. All the Traveller remembers is causing herself to forget something and roughly when the forgotten memory occurred, but not what was forgotten. Also, the fact that the Traveller used her psionics to forget something is also impossible to detect using lie detectors or psionic powers. However, by making the same check again, the Traveller can instantly remember what was forgotten. If the Traveller causes herself to forget several incidents, she can choose to recall any of them, while leaving all of the others temporarily forgotten, but can only select the incident based on the surrounding, intact, memories, not on the memory's contents.
Check: Average (8+) Mnemonics (1D x 10 seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 1
Sculpt Memory
The Traveller can rewrite any single memory, changing everything from a memory of a robbery so that he goes from being the robber to one of the victims, to remembering a quiet day at home, when he actually visited the orbital highport. These memories are detailed an accurate, but cannot contain any information that the Traveller did not previously possess. If the Traveller creates a memory of visiting the local highport, but does not know that it was attacked by pirates when he was supposedly visiting, he does not remember the attack. However, on a successful check, the memory is entirely altered and the fact that it has been tampered with cannot be determined using any technology or psionic power. However, the Traveller has a vague sense that the memory has been tampered with. By making the same check again, the Traveller can instantly remember the true events, while retaining somewhat less clear memories of the memory he created.
Check: Difficult (10+) Mnemonics (1D x 10 seconds, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 2
Enhanced Memory
The Traveller can temporarily memorize and absorb vast amounts of information, such as reading about and watching video or holographic footage of an individual and being able to perfectly impersonate them (with a suitable disguise), studying engineering manuals on a particular starship, or reading and listening to instruction on learning a particular language. Regardless of the subject matter, the Traveller can only memorize a single subject at once and must spend at least eight hours in intensive, uninterrupted study. If the check is successful, these memories eliminate any unskilled penalty to the check and provide a DM+4 too all checks related to using this knowledge, such as impersonating the individual studied, making Engineering and Mechanics checks on the type of starship studied, or speaking a particular language. However, this ability is most useful for individuals with little or no previous understanding of a topic. The total bonus provided by a skill the Traveller knows and this ability cannot exceed +5. If a Traveller learns the detailed specifications of a particular starship and already possesses Mechanic 3, he still cannot gain a total bonus from skills and enhanced memory greater than +5. Also, the knowledge provided by this ability is quite narrow - how to impersonate one individual, speak a single language, or repair a single model of starship.
This enhanced memory lasts a number days equal to the Effect of the Mnemonics check after which point the Traveller retains memories of studying the subject, but gains no more competence or understanding than anyone else would from eight hours of intensive study. The Traveller cannot use this ability again until after the enhanced memories gained from a previous use have faded.
Check: Difficult (10+) Mnemonics (1D x Hours, PSI) check
PSI Cost: 5