Hyborian Age Curses


Here are a number of colorful curses culled from the pastiches. Perfect for PCs and NPCs alike to hurl at each other. Feel free to add to it. :twisted:


Black Erlik’s Bowels and Bladder!

Derketo blast your eyes!

Erlik take all women! / Erlik take you!

Hanuman’s Stones!

Mitra! / Mitra’s Mercies!

Set! / Set shrivel your soul! / Sweet Set! / Fangs of Set! / Set's scaled scrotum!

Son of a Yoggite!

Zandru’s Nine Hells!
Here are some insulting terms to hurl at your foes, straight out of the pastiches:

Cur, Dog, Jackal, Suckling, Whelp, Witling
Ha, I've got a few of these written down from some Jordan pastiches, I'll see about digging them up and posting them - seem to recall some good ones along the lines of "Drinker of goat's urine" and "I'll cut your manhood to prove mine!" ;)
I think "Hanuman's Stones!" refers to the ape god's giant scrotum :shock: and is used as term to express great surprise and/or consternation...
Alright, here is a list of curses / expletives / exclamations / expressions I culled ~10-15 years ago from a Robert Jordan pastiche I believe:

Crom and steel!
Zandru's bells!
Take a pull at the hellhorn for me if you get there first.
By the black throne of Erlik!
Derketo take you! (female)
Derketo blast you! (female)
Crom blast you!
Hannuman's stones!
It's black as Ahriman's heart!
It's hot as the gates of Gehenna!
Derketo blast your eyes! (female)

Expressions / Insults by Kezankian Hillmen:
Sons of diseased camels!
Your mothers defile themselves with sheep!
Drinker of jackal's urine!
I will carve your manhood to prove mine!

(The ones marked female likely were used by females, rather than directed toward, but like I said, I culled this 10-15 years ago, so I can't be sure.)
The ever-popular "Who dies first?" (used when surrounded by foes).

A few I used when playing my namesake - Bombaatu, Son of Wakambe, Warrior-Priest of Oombubu!

"Tonight will I pleasure your widow!"
"Lay hands on me, dog, and you will see the other end of your manhood."
That's from the REH story Xuthal of the Dusk (or The Slithering Shadow, an alternate name). It's in book Coming of Conan the Cimmerian. 8)
Orkin said:
That's from the REH story Xuthal of the Dusk (or The Slithering Shadow, an alternate name). It's in book Coming of Conan the Cimmerian. 8)

Ah, I have the Slithering Shadow in my Fantasy Masterworks collection The Conan Chronicles volume 1.


For Shemites is a curse of mine own making: "Bastard son of a motherless goat!"

"By Tiamat's withered teats!" adding a deity from some of REH's other work (House of Arabu, I think).
How about this one:

"By Crom's short and curlies, I'll pull your guts out through your _______!"


or "Obviously, you are ill-fated, for the gods sculpted you from __________!" :P
