How should I play it?


Hi guys

I plan to do A Narnia/Traveller Cross Campaign were the characters inherit command and A 37% Ownership of A Decent sized mercenary force

On route to their 1st misjump and they end up millions of light years from The Imperium and in A Sector with inhabited worlds based on One Piece, Fire Emblems 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13 and 14, Inazuma Eleven, Battle Network, Jackie Chan Cartoons nd Yugioh's Earths,nDigimon Seasons 1 and 3, Redwall, the 5 worlds from The Rings Of Kether and 1 from Rebel Planet, Final Fantasy Tactics, Dragond@ Quests Sentinels Of The Starry Sky and Enterra fron Shinzo

The plan being for the characters to, in no particular order, help, due to the baddies ruling all the worlds, good guys, defeat each enemy leaders 800,000 to 1.14 million TL 4 to 6 with their 2,600 TL10 to 13 mercenaries and at least 133,000 TL 4 Freedom Fighters, liberate all the worlds named above from evil and, eventually, rule A Empire of more then 70 worlds.

But I have never ran a campaign on that scale before or using Mercenaries before, so hint, tips and advise please and ideas please for how to convert the special powers of Digimons Myotismon and Dark Masters, Inazuma's Allius Rock and its empowered kids, Shinzo's Enterran Cards and Fire Emblems Gharnef, Meadus, Manfroy, Lopto, Jahn, Idean, Fomorotiss, Ashera, her 2 surviving heroes, 13 and 14's Avatas, Vaidar, Grima, Annakos and Annakos's minions and every games legendary weapons.nPlease advise
Honestly? Sounds like you really want to be playing the Cartoon Action Hour RPG or something like that rather than Traveller.

But "Kitchen Sink" settings where a GM throws everything they think is cool into a single game rarely turn out well. You might want to set your sights a little lower on something you can manage more easily.
Not taking the piss. Just want to try it for a laugh
It will fail. Best advice I can give you is: don't. Just don't. The second your interpretation runs headlong into one of the PC's interpretation of the settings (presumably the players might be familiar with the settings), it will all fall apart. Whether it's an argument over 'so-and-so wouldn't DO that' or a PC trying to replicate what they've seen in the cartoon, it'll degenerate into arguments.
Instead consider each of those nations adopting your preferred anime series as their "nation" design the characters normally should you want them to have a specific ability replace one background skill with a relevant skill or Psion ability but don't employ the Psion Careers!
Your players may not share your idea for a game so I suggest you keep the anime backdrop to a minimum and see what characters they create especially their home world description and work with that.
Avoid trying to power them up or your NPCs the best games are where your players inspire you with their ideas you never know they might surprise you!
I plan to do A Narnia/Traveller Cross Campaign were the characters inherit command and A 37% Ownership of A Decent sized mercenary force ...
Sorry, but unless you have an extremely unusual group of players and far above average refereeing skills your plan looks like a nightmare for suicidal referees. :shock: