I've been reading over the section in the main Conan d20 rulebook about the benefits and requirements for "religious observance" and I was wondering how many PCs actually "get religion" when playing?
I don't just mean the occasional "By Ymir!" curse uttered by the Vanir Barbarian, but PCs who actually actively fullfill the demands of religious observance and thus gain the benefits of their respective religion/god.
Also is there a fair amount of "god switching" as the PCs end up traveling from place-to-place? I would imagine that it can be tough for the Nemedian Soldier to tithe to Mitra every month if the campaign is currently set in Khitai and the same could be said for Ymir if the Vanir is currently in Kush. Of course Cimmerians would never give up Crom (or rather it would be quite bad for them if they did rulewise).
So do PCs who actually try to gain the benefits of worship tend to switch to the local deities as they travel?
I don't just mean the occasional "By Ymir!" curse uttered by the Vanir Barbarian, but PCs who actually actively fullfill the demands of religious observance and thus gain the benefits of their respective religion/god.
Also is there a fair amount of "god switching" as the PCs end up traveling from place-to-place? I would imagine that it can be tough for the Nemedian Soldier to tithe to Mitra every month if the campaign is currently set in Khitai and the same could be said for Ymir if the Vanir is currently in Kush. Of course Cimmerians would never give up Crom (or rather it would be quite bad for them if they did rulewise).
So do PCs who actually try to gain the benefits of worship tend to switch to the local deities as they travel?