How good and where do you hit ???



hi all, i'm currently playing around with an idea for using hit locations and critical effects on hit locations. please discuss:

Difference of your attack roll result and opoonent's armour class:

- added to damage roll (Optional, makes combat more lethal)
- used to determine hit location

01-04 Right Arm
With Wings
01-03 Right Arm
04 Right Wing
05-08 Left Arm
With Wings
05-07 Left Wing
08 Right Wing
09-12 Right Leg
09-11 Right Forelimb
12 Right Hindlimb
13-16 Left Leg
13-15 Right Hindlimb
16 Left Hindlimb
17-20 Torso
17-18 Torso
With Wings
19 Right Wing
20 Left Wing
21+ Head
More than 1 head
21-N Secondary Head
N+1 Main Head

Critical Hits:

- no confirmation roll
- no multiple damage (except for torso hits), instead critical effects as detailed below
- Fortitude save (Dc = 10 + damage suffered)

Save Suceeded Crippled: penalty to rolls with that arm equal to 1 per 5 points of damage taken
Failed Save Severed or Maimed. Arm useless

Leg (Bipedal)
Save Succeeded Crippled: 1/2 ground move, penalty to rolls related to movement equal to 1 per 5 points of damage taken
Failed Save Severed or Maimed. Leg useless

Both Legs Crippled: only 5-foot steps possible
Both legs useless: no ground movement on legs. drag yourself with 5-foot "steps" over ground

Leg (QuadrupeD)
Save Succeeded Crippled: 3/4 ground move, penalty to rolls related to movement equal to 1 per 5 points of damage taken
Failed Save Severed or Maimed. Leg useless

Two Legs Crippled: move at 1/2 speed
Three Legs Crippled: move at 1/4 speed
All LEgs Crippled: 5-foot steps only

Save Succeeded Crippled: 1/2 flight speed, penalty to rolls related to flying equal to 1 per 5 points of damage taken
Failed Save Severed or Maimed. Wing useless. No flying

Save Succeeded Crippled: Multiple damage as by weapon damage critical multiplier
Failed Save Crushed or vital organs destroyed. Dead

Save Succeeded Crippled: Stunned for a number of rounds equal to damage taken
Failed Save Crushed skull or beheaded. Dead
Armour Class: substitude either Dodge or Parry score, depending on the type of defence used by your opponent.
I know that people like big crit tables to add some interest to their crit hits -- truth is though, whether crits use the standard multiplier method or a table; when someone gets hit with a crit, they will end up in a world of 5h1t. Adding complicatinos to the game won't change this.
BhilJhoanz said:
I know that people like big crit tables to add some interest to their crit hits -- truth is though, whether crits use the standard multiplier method or a table; when someone gets hit with a crit, they will end up in a world of 5h1t. Adding complicatinos to the game won't change this.

You know how I handle this? I ask the victim... erh... player to describe his/her injury him/herself. Works like a charm. You'd be surprised how nasty they can be to themselves. Sometimes they even add "fringe benefits" like a permanent limp, or bad eye and stuff like that. I love it.

Nicely done on asking for the players input...

I have a d12 hit location boys like that.

If you want some colorful examples to use when NPC's are hit, write them up before hand and reference them.
No confirmation check? If that is the case, everytime a low-level punk who needs a 20 to hit someone with a high defense value manages to hit, it will always be a crit.

I think BhilJhoanz has it right, though. This level of complexity isn't necessary. GhostWolf69 also has a good idea on the subject. I like that.

If you want more complexity to the crits, I'd suggest looking into Torn Asunder: Critical Hits, by Bastion Press.
I use this for crits and fumbles:

Works perfect. Instant death, bonus to crit multiplier, dismemberment, guts fall out, all kinds of goodies. I let them use a Fate Point to avoid anything that isn't just a bonus to damage. I allow a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid a critical fumble (roll of natural 1). Used this table two weeks in a row and it beats all the tables I made up. :D
I love and adore the critical hit system within Rolemaster. I'll check out Iron_Chef's crit system he saw. But, from the little I've read from Torn Asunder (from Bastion press) I saw great things that could add to the spice of things.

Yes it could slow down the game...but, once individuals were use to the system....I think combat could be much deadlier and speed up overall combat in all levels.

Instead of the Whack, I deal 5 points. So, you are now down to 1 point of damage. What do you do? I ugh, grunt, attack for 8 points...

So, lame and unrealistic.

This is just my thoughts in the matter...........
The problem with Torn Asunder is it's 96 pages. The charts I just found are one page each (beautifully formatted and descriptive) with two pages of explanatory notes (most of which you'll probably never even need to consult). Ease of use is of paramount importance to me in any critical hit/fumble system.
To what Iron_Chef posted.......

Yes, the ease of use is nice. But, I feel that this is a tame version of both the Torn asunder books and the Rolemaster system. It will indeed add some nice flavor to the old 1hp to xx hp system. I personally like the Torn asunder system cause it has different charts based on different types of creatures. Yes, this gets close to chartmaster/rulemaster/rolemaster....but, the end....

It all depends on what your GM/DM wants for your system. I personally love the chance that a low level character could infict a lucky blow in killing a high level villian, while the high level chracter does indeed have a great chance of destroying a rather large party after her. But, in the end.......what matters the the group having a blast.
Odovacar's Ghost said:
To what Iron_Chef posted.......

Yes, the ease of use is nice. But, I feel that this is a tame version of both the Torn asunder books and the Rolemaster system.

The system I recommend is 100% FREE. Torn Asunder is $25. That makes a big difference to me, as well as the ease of use vs. multiple players having to familiarize themselves with a 96 page rulebook just for combat.