[House Rules] New Combat Maneuvers


Combat Maneuver

Dirty Fighting
By distracting your opponent in combat, you take advantage of your enemy’s momentary loss of concentration and strike him in a vital area.

Prerequisite: Sneak Attack
Circumstances: You must have successfully feinted your enemy in combat, causing him to lose his stat and feat bonuses to DV.
Effect: The target of the feint is considered flanked, allowing you to get a +2 flanking bonus and causing him to be vulnerable to a sneak attack on your next strike. Improved Uncanny Dodge may negate this maneuver, unless you are a thief or pirate of at least four levels higher than your enemy. Performing this maneuver more than once, while facing the same enemy in the same combat encounter, will result in the target being granted a +10 circumstance modifier to his Sense Motive checks to resist your additional attempts to feint him and perform this maneuver.

Guard combats thief as he attempts to make his escape. Thief throws dirt into the eyes of the advancing guard, causing him to stumble and cover his eyes. The thief then shoves his dagger into the guard’s exposed armpit (both finessing around the armor and using his sneak attack specialty).

Clarification: +10 given ONLY to resist the feint/dirty fighting combo. Modifier to Sense Motive not granted to target against additional standard feint attempts.

Other examples: Trash talking to overly anger the target (making use of that Persuasive feat :wink: ), throwing your cloak over his face, tipping over a candlestand, tossing a piece of fruit in the air :shock: , ---- stuff like that.

NOTE: This is the result of some brainstorming by all of us here in an attempt to work a feint/sneak attack with the recent rule clarifications. It can hopefully intergrate seamlessly into the rules as simply a new maneuver. The +10 mod is from the Bluff circumstance table, indicating a 2nd attempt would be hard to believe/putting the target into significant danger.
It still means that only thieves and pirates get significant value from a feint.

Also, since only those two classes (and Zingaran nationals, it just so happens) can access the maneuver, yet all of them can, you bring us back to the place the debate started. That being the case, why not just ignore the official ruling that you can't sneak attack off of a feint? That's what the maneuver amounts to anyway.
This was NOT an attempt to start yet another debate about feinting. There are enough of those and I've moved on. The ruling is in and people can use that or House Rule all they want.

This was a collection of good ideas from other people that I thought might pass well as a combat maneuver. It would allow for a special ability to be used without the need of a rules change.

People can take it, change it, trash it, ignore it, whatever.

It was just a suggestion that some people that were disappointed by the rules clarification might appreciate.

Good gaming.
Just adding a new possibility here. Some have already seen this and similar thoughts on another thread. I struggled to think of a way to reduce the damage (like in an ordinary finesse attack), but nothing made logical sense. To balance the attack, I thought maybe extra time spent aiming was needed.

Comments welcome.

Combat Maneuver

Finesse Shot
By taking careful aim at your opponent while at close range, you attempt to have your ranged weapon attack strike between crevices and chinks of your enemy’s armour.

Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dexterity 13+
Circumstances: Your opponent must be within 30 feet of you and you must spend a full-round action aiming, which provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening enemies.

Effect: Following your full-round spent aiming, your next attack is considered a finesse attack (however all normal modifiers to damage still apply - such as bow strength). If your ranged attack roll beats the target’s Defense Value by a number equal to at least the DR of the armour, that armour is then completely ignored. To successfully perform this maneuver, you must concentrate. If something interrupts your concentration while aiming your finesse shot, then you must make a Concentration skill check or lose the opportunity to complete your attack. (See the Concentration skill on page 88 for the DC of the check.)

The thief and expert archer hides in the shadows close by while taking careful aim at the Zamoran Captain of the Guard as he addresses his troops. Finally, the thief lets lose the arrow from his Hrykanian bow. Although protected by both mail hauberk and breast plate, the shaft buries itself into the exposed neck of the Captain.
I like this. Would have come in handy with those nasty picts. Unfortunatelly, someone was playing picts correct, and I got murdered.

Sadly, there are very few people in this forum who know how to play picts.....
Shonuff said:
Finesse Shot
By taking careful aim at your opponent while at close range, you attempt to have your ranged weapon attack strike between crevices and chinks of your enemy’s armour.

I still love it, even as part of a new thread. :D

I like the limitation of it requiring a Full-Round Action.


Odovacar's Ghost said:
Sadly, there are very few people in this forum who know how to play picts.....

I second Plane Sailing in wanting to find out how then do we play Picts correctly?

