[Hell Creek Sanitarium] Other Products - The Traveller's Kit

Sylvre Phire

Hello, fellow Travellers!

Foreven Sector is progressing slowly due to real life interfering (as it always does). In the meantime, what are some other products that you are interested in seeing from us?

At the moment we've got a set of game aids on the drawing board. Beyond the standards (character sheet, world hex grid, animal encounter and NPC records, chargen worksheet/charts/index, robot/drone/ship/vehicle records) what would you like to see in the way of game aids to make playing Traveller easier?

The Traveller's Kit will be released before the end of May, and while we have a lot of ideas, we would like to hear from you about what you expect in this product and others!

Thanks for your patience and interest!

Pax et bonum,

Dale Meier
Creative Director
Hell Creek Sanitarium
Omaha, NE