The Greater Feint feat in CATR says:
You may make the feint in combat action against every foe that you threaten. You make a single check opposed by their individual sense motive rolls. Any target who fails is denied its dodge bonus to its defense value (if any) for the next melee attack you make against it. This attack must be made on or before your next turn.
Does this mean that you get to attack every opponent taht you threaten, regardless of the number of attacks you can make per turn? ie:
A soldier with BAB +9 (requisite for GF) has 3 attacks fighting with two swords, and he is being surrounded by 5 opponents, all in a position to be threatened by him. Lets suppose he succedes over all his opponents in his bluff check, thus attacking one of his opponents the same round he feints, because the feint was made as a move action. The next round he has 3 attacks, but he is threathening 4 more opponents. Does he get to attack all 4 remaining opponents? Or does he loose the chance to attack one of the opponents because he can only make 3 attacks per round?
A similar question applies to Striking Cobra, regarding the number of attacks you can make if the feint check succedds over the sense motive checks.
You may make the feint in combat action against every foe that you threaten. You make a single check opposed by their individual sense motive rolls. Any target who fails is denied its dodge bonus to its defense value (if any) for the next melee attack you make against it. This attack must be made on or before your next turn.
Does this mean that you get to attack every opponent taht you threaten, regardless of the number of attacks you can make per turn? ie:
A soldier with BAB +9 (requisite for GF) has 3 attacks fighting with two swords, and he is being surrounded by 5 opponents, all in a position to be threatened by him. Lets suppose he succedes over all his opponents in his bluff check, thus attacking one of his opponents the same round he feints, because the feint was made as a move action. The next round he has 3 attacks, but he is threathening 4 more opponents. Does he get to attack all 4 remaining opponents? Or does he loose the chance to attack one of the opponents because he can only make 3 attacks per round?
A similar question applies to Striking Cobra, regarding the number of attacks you can make if the feint check succedds over the sense motive checks.