[Freelance Traveller] January/February 2025 Posted for Download!


Cosmic Mongoose
The January/February 2025 issue of Freelance Traveller has been posted!

This issue features Greg Caires' Gazetteer for his Traveller: 1700 setting. This will be a multi-issue project; Volume 1 Issue 1 of the Gazetteer, presented in this issue, covers Northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont).

Ken Pick presents two articles focussing on making binary systems more realistic, in light of recent discoveries in exoastronomy.

The rest of the issue is the usual eclectic mix of reviews, rules, adventures, stories, referee's aids, and so on, hopefully presenting all of our readers with something interesting and useful.

You can download this issue at the usual location: https://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine/

Perma-link to this issue: https://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine/2025-0102/
I'm a big fan of the magazine and I'm really grateful for everything you do.

That said, reading through this issue, I found the review of 21 Plots: Planetside to be pretty unpleasant to read as it is unduly bitter, snide, and nasty. Your magazine would be better without this sort of content.
"Bitter, snide and nasty" you say:rolleyes:, but this is a *POSITIVE* review, and I've added 21 Plots: Planetside to my wishlist exactly because of this "unpleasant" stuff, clearly you never read https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/ , heh...

But *WHY* these forums lack a 'Dislike' button?🤬
"Bitter, snide and nasty" you say:rolleyes:, but this is a *POSITIVE* review, and I've added 21 Plots: Planetside to my wishlist exactly because of this "unpleasant" stuff, clearly you never read https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/ , heh...

But *WHY* these forums lack a 'Dislike' button?🤬
There is a frowny face in the pop-up if you hold down the like button.
If you mess up and it registered a like instead, hitting it again removes it.
There is a frowny face in the pop-up if you hold down the like button.
If you mess up and it registered a like instead, hitting it again removes it.
Already tried this thanks (with Sigtrygg, if I remember correctly), but the end result was totally unsatisfactory, that frowny face was lost amidst too many "I Like You" faces/votes, we *NEED* something better to express those feelings of anger and depression:p

OK, next time I'm going to quote/reply to any "bitter, snide, and nasty" posts with the addition of lots of :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:💩💩💩💩🖕🖕🖕🤘🤘🤘👎👎🚽🚽🚽🚽💔💔🆖🆖🇰🇵🇰🇵
Also a big fan of the magazine. I think it's fair that some reviews are going to be padded, and some are going to be snarky. It's basically an op-ed and the opinions are of the reviewer. I suggest you not look at some movie, let alone theater reviews in some of the Eastern papers as they can be rather acidic and/or syrupy sweet and utterly useless to the average reader.

Hat tip (not sure if there is an icon for that) to Jeff and gang for keeping it going this long.

Or, as he has posted many times, YOU (literal and big euphemestic (sp?) you) should also be writing up things for contribution.
Also a big fan of the magazine.

Thank you!

I think it's fair that some reviews are going to be padded, and some are going to be snarky. It's basically an op-ed and the opinions are of the reviewer. I suggest you not look at some movie, let alone theater reviews in some of the Eastern papers as they can be rather acidic and/or syrupy sweet and utterly useless to the average reader.

And this is precisely why I have specifically said that someone already having reviewed the product you're thinking of reviewing isn't a reason to not review it yourself - you may have a different opinion, and come at it from a different viewpoint. Ewan sometimes appears to come at product reviews from a viewpoint of "can I lift stuff from it without having to even take a rubber to the serial numbers (never mind filing them off)", whereas Paul Anuni seems to come at it from "what's in here that I can use as inspiration". Paul is therefore less likely to downrate the Clement Sector stuff, even though his heart seems to be in Classic Traveller.

Hat tip (not sure if there is an icon for that) to Jeff and gang for keeping it going this long.

Again, thank you - but I have to be up front about one thing: "gang" can only apply to the fans that write. Article selection, layout, and other production tasks are all me. That's why, in spite of regularly using the editorial we, the occasional issue is later than planned. The way I like to put it is "Sometimes there's too much hands on my time"...

Or, as he has posted many times, YOU (literal and big euphemestic (sp?) you) should also be writing up things for contribution.

Please do. The tagline for Freelance Traveller has been "The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller Resource" essentially from day one back in 1993 when it was just a few web pages that were truly sh*tful in design and presentation, and I've always meant it about "Fan-Supported".