Favourite EA Ship

What's your favourite EA ship?

  • Omega Destroyer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock Advanced Destroyer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chronos Frigate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hyperion Heavy Cruiser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Olympus Corvette

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nova Dreadnought

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Posseidon Supercarrier

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (say what and why :P)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Whats yours then? I havent listed ALL of em (just the ones I thought people were likely to vote for)

If other say WHY. Also Im NOT listing varients (though feel free to vote for one and post 'especially' the whatever varient.

I, as may be guessed from other posts Ive made, chose the Chronos Frigate (cos theyre the best thing since sliced bread :P)

The Warlock is a close second for me but I dont use it as often due to the high PL.
I've voted the hyperion, not because it is tough, as this is clearly not the case, but because I just loved the look of it in the show. I even did my own ship plan of it many many years back for a B5 RPG i was running.
It alwasy strikes me as one of the few times in EA history someone thought, hmm, lets give it some sexy curvature ;-)
Im actually surprised so many LIKE the look of the Hyp (I always thought it looked a bit, well, ugly (I FAR prefer the look of the Omega, it just looks up and says 'Im gonna blow you to bits as I fly right through you, and theres not a damn thing you can do to stop me' (the chronos says that too but its not as loud ;))
In all fairness, only 2 of us have said it :-)
now then, best looking ship of all has to be the G'Quan!
hiffano said:
In all fairness, only 2 of us have said it :-)
now then, best looking ship of all has to be the G'Quan!

actually I ran a poll before which the g'quan won but the omega and hyperion were tied IIRC

many people like the look of the hyperion :D
Locutus9956 said:
Im actually surprised so many LIKE the look of the Hyp (I always thought it looked a bit, well, ugly (I FAR prefer the look of the Omega, it just looks up and says 'Im gonna blow you to bits as I fly right through you, and theres not a damn thing you can do to stop me' (the chronos says that too but its not as loud ;))

the EA does ugly in such a good way though.
hiffano said:
In all fairness, only 2 of us have said it :-)
now then, best looking ship of all has to be the G'Quan!
Always been remarkably fond of the Vorlon Cruisers, myself. But among the more 'normal' ships I like the Avioki. The G'Quan is very photogenic though.

I would normally say Omega, but there is something about the warlock that just looks mean. Some of the minis I've seen done make it look like it has the sharpest teeth in Earth Force.
I voted Warlock on looks but I must say play wise its the hyperion - good all round ship. But the best looking ship ever - its gotta be the G'Quan!!! 8)
emperorpenguin said:
hiffano said:
sounds like me actually. . . 8)

where's the "vomit" smiley? :shock:

your avatar says it best, really.

as for favourites, there's too many to choose. In terms of looks, I don't like the Orestes, and the tethys and (to a lesser extent) the Hermes don't match the look of the rest of the fleet, but the rest of them are very nice.

Stat wise I love my Chronos and Rail Hyperions. the Omega and nova are incredible brawlers, and you can't beat the Apollo for bombardment.

I love the apollo but Im not sure if its REALLY worth a whole battle point (compared to say an Omega or 2 Chronos') (frankly for missile saturation Id rather just go for lots of Olypus or Sagittarius.

Though being able to fire every turn IS nice though :P
The main advantages of two Sagii over an Apollo are that there's two hulls to kill instead of one, and it's another initiative sink, and you can mix and match your loads, and you've got the side-firing missiles too. you can put out the same amount of AD per turn if you manouvre your Sagii properly.
I picked the Nova cause of my success with them.

In a Raid level battle you give it the "Close Blast Doors" Order and sally out into the middles of the enemy fleet and act like a floating fortress. Sure you can only fire one weapon system, but you only have one! And its a damn good one at that priority level. You might take a beating once you are stuck in with all of them. Critical? Np, you only have one weapon system! Skelei Crew? Np You only have one weapon system! Meanwhile your other ships are picking away at the fringes of the enemy fleet.