

i'm going to run my first sesion in a few days but i dont know how to give experience to my players....How do you do???
See page 335.

Basically, you give out experience as you see fit in order for your players to progress at the rate you wish them to. Theres no set amount per scenario or per monster killed.
that i know.
i want some examples..as...
if the players do well 500 PX
if the players come to the sesion 30 px..
or something like this
i had the book...and i've read that page
Here is a "quick & dirty rule".

Considering that an adventure can be played in 10 hours (if you don't count the time by players spent chatting about some TV show, eating and calling their girlfriend :) ) and that the adventure's difficulty is adapted to the character's power level, you can say that PCs earn 100 XP per hour of play and per level. So a 9th-level adventurer playing during 5 hours would earn 4500 XP.

This rule would ensure a steady progression if you really need a rule for that.
Hyborian said:
This rule would ensure a steady progression if you really need a rule for that.

you can also dispense with the level system and award experience based on roleplaying. The players then can spend their experience on figuring out new spells, getting new skills, and so forth. OF course, it's best if your players start at 7th level if you're going to do this.
I've dispensed with XP altogether. Instead, every time the characters achieve some goal or complete an "adventure", such as successfully infiltrating and walking out of the supposedly "impregnable" tower of the Merchant Prince, they all go up a level.

There's really no need to award 500 XP here, 1000 XP there. What's really important is when you level up.
Evilschemer said:
I've dispensed with XP altogether. Instead, every time the characters achieve some goal or complete an "adventure", such as successfully infiltrating and walking out of the supposedly "impregnable" tower of the Merchant Prince, they all go up a level.

There's really no need to award 500 XP here, 1000 XP there. What's really important is when you level up.


I'm playing in a game where myself and another dude are sharing the GMing burden; he did a storyline for the characters at first level, I did a storyline for the characters at second level, it's back in his court for the PCs at third level. Creates a pleasant episodic feel to the characters' existence and accomplishments.
If the party sorceror ever needed to spend XP to cast a spell (I can't find any spells that cost XP, are they in Skelos?), then I'd just dock the sorceror 1 or 2 sessions before levelling up, or maybe skill points. Hmm..

Since I haven't seen any spells that cost XP yet, how much XP are we talking about for those kinds of spells?
Evilschemer said:
Since I haven't seen any spells that cost XP yet, how much XP are we talking about for those kinds of spells?

Permanent spells cost 200 XP per PP used to cast the spell.

Crafting new life forms also costs XP (an many XP indeed).
If it ever becomes an issue for my PCs (only one is currently taking Scholar levels and he's not planning on taking any sorcery styles that include XP cost spells) it'll be resolved as temporary Constitution damage ala Grim Tales. The Grim Tales spellcasting rules pretty much RULE in general, but there you go.

For NPCs... enh. Not worth tracking! NPCs should trump all rules as needed to advance the tension and story.
I award experience in an arbitrary fashion. Basically, I treat it as a story award similar to how games such the "old" Wheel of Time game did. However, I don't inform the as to the amount of xp they've earned only when, and if, they gain a level. Pretty much a 180 compared to how I handled xp awards for Palladium Fantasy (except not all the players received/read my reports).
I kno that I'm a board n00b here - but here's how I do it and why:

in the d20 system if you play one 4 hour game a week, you should level up, if XP is done correctly based on ECL and all that, once every 3 to 5 games - so based on those number I usually level the group up about every 3 - 5 games the group is also aware of it so they pretty much kno where they stand...and, for spells that cost XP to cast - I just pool XP specifically for the spell casters in the group "X"-ammount depending on level and go from there...