Errata List

not sure if a mistake or a design.

p118 and p120. The table on p.118 states Gauss Rifle is TL 12. The text on p120 states it replaces the conventional rifles on TL13.
p 147 (minor) on the FUEL section there is no mention how much fuel does the normal operations of the power plan require. It will be only necessary to the players if they decide not using the fuel for jump and instead use it for normal operations.

p 151 SHIP COMPUTER has the text "See table below", which might be a left over from a computer table that is no longer present. Only ship software table is present. Some minor text tweak can clear this.

p 207 On the table Passage and Freight cost is not clear that it is for 1 ton and not for 1 lot. After some reading a player will probably suspect that, since it won't be any profitable to transport freight.
don't kick me for spam lol,

page 214 - the last paragraph states "As indicated on the system contents table" and then follows on rules for generating gas giant presence. But no such table is present (or at least I could not find it). Keep in mind no such table is needed, so only the text can be amended.

page 218 (minor) - hydro graphics 2nd paragraph - the word "modify" should probably be "modifiers" edit: and the word "instead" should probably be omitted, as the -4 DM, I assume, is not substituting the atmosphere number, but being added to it (I inferred it from MG1).

page 219 (minor) - the Population section instructs to see page 228 which contains the trade codes. It should probably instruct to see page 220 which has the populations

page 224 (minor or no issue) - edit: after reading the text, it seems that the ommited sections in the table might be left othe referee rather than skipped as a mistake. We need a confirmation from Matt. It might be my biased, by I think it's a better for a referee to sort out those details. Such specific restrictions for each law level are kind of rigid. the Law table doesn't show banned drugs, information, technology, travellers and psionics. This would require a full page table.
Hello arcador,

arcador said:
Yes, it is for the 2nd edition. It was a topic from another forum section but it was moved here.

Thank you for reply, I wanted to make sure of which edition the errata list is for since I am currently looking a HG 1e and finding possible errata. Now, I'll have to find the CRB 2e item I posted somewhere and put that item here, which is probably a repeat.
Afternoon all,

The following post was made a separate post on Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:08 pm before I stumbled onto this thread and does not appear to have been noticed yet.

CRB 2e PDF Radiation Exposure p. 77
There is a small problem in the following text from CRB 2e Radiation Exposure p. 77

Vacc suits and other measures of protection reduce radiation exposure, as shown on page 96. The hull of a spacecraft decreases the radiation exposure of those inside by 500.

Page 96 is the description for Battle Dress and I did not find any mention of protection from radiation exposure. However, in the Armor Table on p. 94 the fourth column tagged RAD provides the amount of radiation protection for each type of armor.

I believe the page number should be changed from page 96 to page 94.
General, there are no page numbers in the print friendly PDF. Fine when viewing the PDF, not so good when using. Printed copy.

Pg. 68, skill description of Profession states "on some world's other skills, such as Animals or Computer" . There is no computer skill.

Which leads to a question, why is there no computer skill?
Hello capital_q,

capital_q said:
General, there are no page numbers in the print friendly PDF. Fine when viewing the PDF, not so good when using. Printed copy.

Pg. 68, skill description of Profession states "on some world's other skills, such as Animals or Computer" . There is no computer skill.

Which leads to a question, why is there no computer skill?

I found a reference to Computers on p. 64 as part of the Electronics/Specialties I am not sure if this is a skill description since I am not familiar with CRB 2e yet.
This skill is used to operate electronic devices such as computers and ship-board systems. Higher levels represent the ability to repair and create electronic devices and systems. There are several specialities.
Computers: Using and controlling computer systems, and similar electronics and electrics.
Howdy again AnotherDilbert,

AnotherDilbert said:
This skill is used to operate electronic devices such as computers and ship-board systems. Higher levels represent the ability to repair and create electronic devices and systems. There are several specialities.
Computers: Using and controlling computer systems, and similar electronics and electrics.

Yippee, I was on the right track and just barely got my Cr2 before someone else who has a bunch more knowledge than I do.;-)

I usually get my reply in after others and a thank you for confirming I was correct that I was really looking at skills.
AnotherDilbert said:
This skill is used to operate electronic devices such as computers and ship-board systems. Higher levels represent the ability to repair and create electronic devices and systems. There are several specialities.
Computers: Using and controlling computer systems, and similar electronics and electrics.
Thanks for the clarification AD. I'm refereeing a new game this week and its challenging to learn all the subsystems of the game.
Hello all,

I am not sure but there does not appear to be any page numbers printed on any of the chapters first pages in CRB 2e.
Probable Errata

CRB 2e Chapter 12 World and Universe Creation p. 217

High & Low Gravity Worlds
Worlds where the gravity is 0.7 G or less (Size 6 or less) are low-gravity worlds. Common features include improbable-looking rock formations, thin and spindly life forms and flying as a common form of locomotion (assuming the atmosphere is thick enough to support flyers). The effect on Travellers is detailed on page 76.

High-gravity worlds have a gravity of 1.4 G or more. They tend to be extremely dense worlds; common features include wide rocky plains, squat, muscular creatures, and plant life that spreads out like lichen instead of growing up. Crawling, burrowing or swimming are the commonest forms of locomotion. The effect on Travellers is detailed on page 145.

The High-gravity write-up references p. 145 which is Chapter 7 Spacecraft Operations and does not appear to mention the detailed effect on high-gravity on Travellers'.

The correct page is page 76.
CRB 2e PDF Chapter One Traveller Creation Characteristics p. 8

Rolling Characteristics
To determine your Traveller’s characteristics, roll 2D one after another, and assign the scores in any order you
wish to the six characteristics, starting with Strength. Record them on your character sheet.

For each characteristic, determine its Dice Modifier on the Characteristic Modifier table on page 9.

The Characteristics Modifier Table is below the write-up on p. 8 not p. 9.

Page 8 Change the last sentence to "For each characteristic, determine its Dice Modifier on using the Characteristic Modifier table below.
Hello all,

CRB 2e PDF p. 225 Starport Facilities Table the TAS entries in Bases column for Starports A and B do not indicate what die roll signifies that the base is present.
snrdg121408 said:
Hello all,

CRB 2e PDF p. 225 Starport Facilities Table the TAS entries in Bases column for Starports A and B do not indicate what die roll signifies that the base is present.

I assume they are always present (i.e. no roll is required)
Hello arcador,

Thank you for the reply and a possible reason why CRB 2e makes TAS Hostels available at all Class A and Class B Starports.

arcador said:
snrdg121408 said:
Hello all,

CRB 2e PDF p. 225 Starport Facilities Table the TAS entries in Bases column for Starports A and B do not indicate what die roll signifies that the base is present.

I assume they are always present (i.e. no roll is required)

With the exceptions the missing die roll requirements the text and Starports Table in CRB 2e are identical with the same material in CRB 1e. The text in both edition are

"TAS: This is a Traveller’s Aid Society Hostel, where Travellers with TAS membership and their guests can stay. In the Third Imperium TAS Hostels offer medical facilities for members, as well as supplies and luxuries not normally available on most worlds. TAS Hostels are a good source of rumours and passengers."

There is nothing in the above to indicate that TAS facilities are or are not available at all Third Imperium Class A, B, or C Starports. CRB 2e, in my opinion, has made the every Class A or Class B Starport that used CRB 1e for world creation and failed to roll for a TAS are now invalid since they do not have TAS Hostels.

Based on the real world and what I have of common sense, not that I have a lot according to some people ;-), not every major airport or seaport has the same company providing accommodations or other services.

Under CRB 1e rules a TAS base for a Class A port is present on a roll of 4+, Class B is 6+, and in both edition a Class C is 10+.