[DSL Ironworks] Quick Decks 1: Starter Pack 25% Off Sale!


From now until December 31st, Quick Decks 1: Starter Pack is on sale for 25% off! Don't miss this opportunity to pick up our first product at a reduced price through the Holiday season.

You can find Quick Decks 1: Starter Pack exclusively at DriveThruRPG.com

Starships aren't designed in a studio - they're forged in the Ironworks

"Traveller" and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used with permission. The Traveller Main Rulebook is available from Mongoose Publishing.
very nice. It would be good to see the following in the next pack.

* 3x2 State rooms with a door on the left or right
* Armouries
* Workshops / Laboratories
* Libraries
* Briefing Rooms
